Core Issues 16 January 2002

Previous status report; Joanne's meeting  minutes   

Geometry status: the next before and after

 Summary of created volumes
       material   count   vol(cm^3)
       --------   -----   ---------
             Al     172      110044
         Al_1lb     240      858351
         Al_3lb      64      222157
           Alsc       1     2941342
     C_closeout    1216       49586
    CarbonFiber    6176       27992
            CsI    1536      271911
    Polystyrene     181       72917
             Si    6722       90539
  Tray_bot_bias     288       13107
  Tray_bot_face     320       15520
  Tray_top_face     288       24154
         Vacuum    1928   297842175
              W    4096        8147
        blanket       5      309968
                 ------      ------
         Totals   23233   302857917 

See the solar panels and spacecraft! (And outlines of the various enclosing boxes, which need to be suppressed.)

 Summary of created volumes
       material   count   vol(cm^3)
       --------   -----   ---------
             Al     268      110044
         Al_1lb     240      858351
         Al_3lb      64      222157
           Alsc       1     2941342
     C_closeout    1216       49586
    CarbonFiber    6176       27992
            CsI    1536      271911
    Polystyrene     125       73233
             Si    6722       90539
  Tray_bot_bias     288       13107
  Tray_bot_face     320       15520
  Tray_top_face     288       24154
         Vacuum    1928   297861678
              W    4096        8147
        blanket       5      310188
                 ------      ------
         Totals   23273   302877956

  Summary of sensitive detectors processed
                Name   count
                ----   -----
         CsIDetector    1536
          SiLayerBox     576
              diodeL    3072
              diodeS    3072
            oneTower      16
          sideTileX0      10
          sideTileX1      10
          sideTileX2      10
          sideTileX3       2
          sideTileY0      10
          sideTileY1      10
          sideTileY2      10
          sideTileY3       2
             topTile      25

A gismo-generated muon traverses the detector. Note there are now 89 tiles

New package: DetModelSvc.

Suggestion: merge code from DetModelSvc, detModel, and xmlUtil; put the detmodel data into a database or separate package.

Simulation status (G4/Gismo)

All pure geometric parameters have been removed from the  instrument package. Layer info added to SiDetector objects. (Same as current SiLayerBox.) Plan is to move all remaining digitization parameters from instrument.xml to  constants area of current xml in xmlUtil package.

G4Generator package creates TdGlastData on TDS.  Not tested other than display, no one identified to follow through.

GismoGenerator version exists that instantiates everything using detModel/xmlUtil.  But it cannot be checked in since it would disrupt tracker development. (As it has already!!!)

Changes to environment: can occur now that PDR is over!

Flux service

Currently upgrading to allow for transients. Will in fact merge flux, FluxSvc packages.

Random number generator service, seed issue. (Keep this on the stack)

How does one control G4's use of random numbers?

T. Burnett Last update: Tuesday, 12. November 2002 21:26:02 -0800