Core Issues/Status 21 March 2002

Previous status report; Joanne's meeting  minutes   

Gaudi v9r0

Done! Heather report, perhaps including messy HTL stuff.


New place for static functions, Util [Joanne]

static int facilities::Util::expandEnvVar(std::string* toExpand,
   const std::string* openDel = 0,
   const std::string* closeDel = 0);

[According to standard C++ practice, last two parameters should be const references: could you add such a variation?]

Constant Database issues

How do we specify (and how should we) constants ? Requirements are that they be visible (not wired into code), under version control.

Software development environment issues

G4 transition: THB, Riccardo

Reminder: As of our workshop, all code relating to Gismo and instrument/IRF has been set aside. Big simplification!

T. Burnett Last update: Wednesday, 04. August 2004 15:42:07 -0700