Detailed Summary of Testing of Root 3.00.06 with various Glast programs


March 7 - 

March 8 - 

March 20  

March 21

March 22

March 23

Load the DLL and see the value of checksum for the Event class:

root [1]gSystem->Load("TBEventshr.dll")
root [2] Event::Class()->GetCheckSum()
(const unsigned int)929237328

Open the file (without loading the DLL) and then check the StreamerInfo data for the Event class:

root [0] TFile f("I:/tb_muons_5_gev_normal.root")
root [1] gROOT->GetListOfStreamerInfo()->FindObject("Event")->Dump()
fCheckSum 929237328 checksum of original class

If one runs a similar test within the MyEvent constructor - we find the following:

UInt_t eventCheck = Event::Class()->GetCheckSum();
printf("Event checksum = %u\n", eventCheck);
Event checksum = 3089147232

fCheckSum 929237328 checksum of original class

So somehow, MyEvent sees a different version of the Event class than the version loaded via the DLL....another message was sent to Rene, and we await his reply.

March 27