Getting Started with Root
Now what?
Setup Root

Class libraries
Get binaries

Root Macros

I have data, now what? you have some Root files...where do you go from here?  First, make sure you have Root 3.00.06 setup on  your system.

Root Class Libraries

To read the data, one should have a copy of the shareable libraries that contains the definitions of the objects contained in the file.  At the present time, we have 2 such libraries:  digiRootData (equivalent to TBEvent) and reconRootData (equivalent to the recon classes from tb_recon).  We maintain compiled copies of these libraries for windows and linux:  available here. 
One can also obtain the source code from the SLAC cvs repository.

Lastly, new with Root 3.00.06 - one really does not need to have the shareable library at all...these new Root files are now self-describing - meaning that the file header contains the necessary information for Root to process the contents of the file.  One could use Root interactively to generate the library and link it into your session automatically.  But this will not work with the current Root Event classes - not until we modify them!!!
TFile f("myRootFile.root");

Root Macros