ROOT To Do 2002

New Classes
Persistency Service


This page contains the ROOT To Do List for 2002. 

To Do List

  1. Upgrade to ROOT 3.02.07
    1. Test Compatibility with existing ROOT classes
    2. Test Compatibility with Gaudi v9
    3. Test Compatibility with RootAnalysis
    4. Upgrade ROOT requirements file
    5. Install ROOT at SLAC
    6. Provide download files via SLAC ftp
  2. Explore TRef
    1. Create example usage.
  3. Develop new GLAST ROOT classes
    1. Monte Carlo Hits
    2. Digitization
      1. ACD
      2. TKR
      3. CAL
    3. Reconstruction
      1. ACD
      2. TKR
      3. CAL
    4. Document
      1. Code Documentation Walkthrough
    5. Create test program(s)
  4. Develop and integrate a ROOT persistency service
    1. Write up Requirements Document
    2. Evaluate Atlas Root Service
    3. Create Converters
      1. Monte Carlo Hits
      2. ACD - digi and recon
      3. TKR - digi and recon
      4. CAL - digi and recon
    4. Documentation
      1. Code Documentation Walkthrough
    5. Create Test program
  5. Event Display
    1. Evaluate new GUI features in ROOT 3.02.07
      1. Evaluate Qt Root - will it support windows?
    2. Upgrade existing EventDisplay to use ROOT 3.02.07
    3. Modify to use detModel description of geometry
    4. Modify to use the new GLAST ROOT classes
    5. Integrate RootAnalysis macros into GUI.
  6. RootAnalysis
    1. merit as a ROOT routine
      1. Can it be both independent of ROOT and ROOT accessible?
    2. Create standard NtupleAnalysis routine
    3. Update existing routines for new GLAST ROOT classes
    4. Create new standard utilities
    5. Extend Documentation
    1. Upgrade to use ROOT 3.02.07
    2. Upgrade to support IDL 5.5
    3. Upgrade to use StreamerInfo
  8. Upgrade GLAST ROOT Documentation
    1. Modify the existing web pages to conform to the Documentation Task Force Guidelines
    2. Create GLAST ROOT Users Guide
  9. Continue GLAST ROOT User's Group (GRUG)


Item Description Who Due



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H. Kelly Last Modified:  03/22/02 08:01