Science Tools Workshop June 2002
Other Utilities Breakout Session

Attendees:  David Band, Sandhia Bansal, Jerry Bonnell, Jim Chiang, Richard Dubois, Berrie Giebels, Masaharu Hirayama, Heather Kelly, Francesco Longo, Sean Robinson, Gino Tosti

U1 Event Data Extractor

Jim Chiang suggested and the majority agreed to split this tool into 2 distinct tools:  U1 now refers to a tool that extracts data exclusively from the database.  U9 will be the tool that handles selections within an existing FITS file.

Highlights of the discussion included:
Many questions concerning how to access data from other databases for cuts, particularly calibration, housekeeping data. It was suggested that one could determine the time ranges desired using the ancillary data such as calibration - then access the photon data using those time ranges as part of the cut.

Is it really necessary to truly generate files for each intermediate step?  Could that data just reside in memory and be written out on request?

Jim Chiang and Heather Kelly indicated interest in pursuing this topic further.

U3 Exposure Calculator

Fortunately, Seth Digel strolled into the meeting, looking for refreshments.  Seth provided a summary of a potential solution for the exposure calculation, where the Exposure Calculator covered by U3 could be a "LiveTime Accumulator".  See Seth's presentation from the plenary session, concerning exposure caluculations:
David Band suggested that a sub-committee be formed to further the consider the options.  The following people volunteered:  David Band, Jim Chiang, Seth Digel, Yasushi Ikebe, Pat Nolen, Sean Robinson

U7 Source Model Definition Tool

David Band provided an overview of this tool.  Most important aspect to consider is the representation of the sky.  A file with what format?  How to represent regions on the sky?  

We discussed the current and future capabilities of the method used with FluxSvc in Gleam for specifying sources.  Some questions came up concerning time varying sources - right now this would be specified at run-time - there is interest in specifying source parameters on the fly.  How to specify arbitrary shapes?  How hard is it to add new sources?  Sean stated that the source library is indeed extensible.  In some cases, new code may need to be written, but it is possible.  

It was suggested to contact Tune Kamae concerning the CR simulator.

Sean Robinson volunteered to continue working on this topic.

People Power

We asked about the potential number of FTEs that could be devoted to the tasks assigned to this group.  The SAS will ramp up involvement over the next six months.   The SSC has 2 FTEs(?) to work on these tasks.  Representative from Italy and France have yet to determine their level of involvement, but there is certainly interest in participating.

What is next?

A written report is due next week.  A draft will be created and circulated among the attendees.
After this report is finished, we must start work on a more detailed consideration of the tasks assigned to this group, most importantly a serious write-up of the requirements and plans to complete the work.  We plan to hold VRVS meetings as necessary and circulate documentation among our members.

Anyone who was unable to attend the breakout session, who is interested in joining the group should contact Masaharu Hirayama or Heather Kelly


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M. Hirayama, H. Kelly Last Modified:  2002-07-24 11:27:36 -0700