Dry-Run Release

EM v3r0407p1 - tagged, optimized build, system tests underway.
Want to validate example JO files in LatIntegration and remove Em2 application and old JO files in src directories.

LDF upgrade to v05-03-00 in progress should be ready by next week...this will include modification which avoids loading the full LDF file in memory at once.

Trigger - does not include the update to the GltWord redefining the bits to coincide with what appears in the GEM.

RootIo Headers:
As it stands, if a job causes multiple output files (i.e. recon_1.root, recon_2.root, etc)..the header will only appear in the last file written.

CAL Header
Apparently data is being written that includes a new UDF contribution.  I have not seen an example file or been told what the unique id is...this data will not be available in ROOT until that happens.

Format Id - this is already stored on the TDS and should be included in the ROOT header.

LDF - differences between contents of LDF and digi.root


CAL - log accepts are not explicitly stored as is from LDF...could be constructed given the digi data - but perhaps it would be nice to store for posterity.

TKR - accepts also not stored..also could be constructed from digi data.


Not storing the header:  hit map, accept vector..

Event Header - stores contribution lengths, but not offset or error bit.

Error contribution is not translated.

Other TO DOs:

Validation of translation from LDF to digi ROOT.

ROOT4 upgrade


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