The tagger information contains also the ADC and TDC inforamtion from the neutron counters

Members Range Comment
getClean() 1 if clean beam (no halo), otherwise 0
getIDN() 1 to 5 particle  ID:  1=e, 2=gamma, 3=proton, 4=pion, 5=kaon
getMomN() Magnitude of the momentum of each particle in Gev/c
getNpart() Number particles found by tagger
getXbeam() X of primary beam in mm
getYbeam() Y of primary beam in mm
getADCN(Int_t index) to be implemented Returns the pulse heights for the 3 neutron counters (Index = 0 to 2)
getTDCN(Int_t index) to be implemented Returns the time for the 3 neutron counters (Index = 0 to 2)
getBeamPbN(Int_t index) (index = 0 to 4)
getTOFN(Int_t index) (index = 0 to 3)
getOneGoodP() Signifies at least one good Proton was tagged if flag is set
getOneGoodG() Signifies at least one good Gamma was tagged if flag is set
getOneGoodE() Signifies at least one good Electron was tagged if flag is set
getOneGoodE() Signifies at least one good Electron was tagged if flag is set
getOneGoodPi() Signifies at least one good Pion was tagged if flag is set
getOneGoodH() Signifies at least one good Hadron (other than proton?) was tagged if flag is set
getOneGoodK() Signifies at least one good Kaon was tagged if flag is set