Instrument Analysis Workshop

February 27-28, 2006


(All times Pacific Daylight Time)

Meeting room: ROB Redwood A&B, building 48

Other meetings this week beyond DC2

DAY 1: February 27


• 08:00-08:30 - Registration and breakfast


• 08:30-12:00 - Session 1: LAT Introduction and CAL


               - 08:30-08:45  Introduction to Workshop 6 (pdf) (ppt)  - Eduardo

               - 08:45-09:00  Overview of LAT data taking  (pdf) (ppt)  - Anders   

               - 09:00-09:30  LAT Trigger and Timing  results (pdf) - Martin

               - 09:30-10:00  CAL MIP Centroid and PSF for muons (pdf) (ppt) - Dave

               - 10:00-10:20   Coffee break

               - 10:20-10:40  Trending CAL performance and mapping crystals (pdf) (ppt) - Fred/Eric 

               - 10:40-11:05  CAL Features and Idiosyncrasies: What are they and how to cope? (pdf) (ppt) - Sasha

               - 11:05-11:25  Review of ACD Pre-ship tests (pdf) (ppt) - Alex

               - 11:25-12:05  Overview of ACD Recon (pdf) (ppt) - Eric


• 12:05-13:30 - Lunch Talk hosted by Eric Charles-

                - Overview of ACD variables in SVAC ntuple (web page) - Eric                                                            


• 13:30-15:00 - Session 2 - ACD

               - 13:30-13:50   ACD Performance in LAT muon runs - Alex

               - 13:50-14:10   ACD Data Analysis (pdf) (ppt) - Eric

               - 14:10-14:30   ACD Studies (pdf) (ppt) (sxi) - Luis

               - 14:30-14:45   ACD Noise Studies (pdf) (ppt) - Larry 

               - 14:45-15:15   Coffee break     


• 15:15-17:00 - Session 3 - TKR

               - 15:15-16:05   TKR data processing overview (pdf) (ppt) - Hiro

               - 16:05-16:25   TKR noise occupancy monitoring (pdf) (ppt) - Mutsumi

               - 16:25-16:45   TKR parameters trending (pdf) (ppt)  - Mizuno

               - 16:45-17:05   ToT Analysis (pdf) (ppt) - Bari Group

               - 17:05-17:20   PSF with Muons (pdf) (ppt) - Perugia Group


• 18:00 - Informal Beam test discussions in preparations for Pisa Workshop


DAY 2: February 28


• 08:00-09:00 - Registration and breakfast


• 09:00-12:00 - Session 4: Short data Analysis Talks


               - 09:00-09:20   VDG Data/MC comparison (pdf) (ppt) - Gary

               - 09:20-09:40   An attempt to efficiently determine whether two data sets are “equivalent” (pdf) (ppt) - Felix

               - 09:40-10:00   Searching for Photons in the LAT (pdf) (ppt) - Franz/Betta

               - 10:00-10:20   TEM and GEM: what you always wanted to know but never asked (pdf) (ppt) - Gregg

               - 10:20-10:40   Coffee break

               - 10:40-11:00   CAL LE trigger behavior for short and long track events (pdf)(ppt)- Jane

               - 11:20-11:40   Testing CAL LE and CAL HE triggers with muons and photons (pdf)(ppt)- Eduardo

               - 11:40-12:00   A preliminary look at the alignment (pdf) (ppt)  - Michael     


• 12:00-13:30 - Lunch Talk hosted by Anders

                - Overview of GEM variables in the SVAC ntuple (ppt)

                - Q/A on SVAC and Merit Variables                                                              


• 13:30-15:00 - Session 5 - More Talks

               - 13:30-13:50   LAT Deadtime and Livetime (pdf) (sxi) - Warren   

               - 13:50-14:10   Final LAT Data Taking with FSW @ SLAC (pdf) (ppt) - Eduardo/Eric

               - 14:10-14:30   Taking cosmic rays @ NRL (pdf) (ppt) - Eric Grove

               - 14:30-14:50   Calibrating the CAL in flight: Galactic Cosmic Ray Calibration (pdf) (ppt) - Mark

               - 14:50-15:15   Coffee break     


• 15:15-17:00 - Session 6 - Getting ready for ISOC...

               - 15:15-16:00   Backgrounds and Trigger Rates on Orbit (pdf) (ppt) - Steve

               - 16:00-16:20   Flight Software on-board filter (ppt) - Richard

               - 16:20-16:50   Importance of running LAT prior to launch  (pdf) (ppt)  - Bill

               - 16:50-17:00   Final remarks with Data Quality Monitoring - Eduardo


• 17:00 - Dark Matter and New Physics Working Group meeting





A. W. Borgland Monday, March 27, 2006 12:28 PM