In 1978-79, J. J. Murray, Robert Avakian, Ivan Miroshnichenko, and Ted Fieguth conducted a channeling radiation experiment using positrons in beam line 19 and using the same goniometer that is now going back into A-line for E159, E160 & E161. The diamonds (2) that we used are still mounted in place as they were 23 years ago. Here is what Ted found for the  measurements.

One sends  one positron/pulse and  get one photon per pulse

Positron Energy___Gamma Theory___Gamma Measured








To utilize this for GLAST we would set Aline polarity for positive particle just as we did for the Proton run and than either use the proton target, for which the yield will be excessive or use a Sector 29 profile monitor to generate secondary positrons. One thing that would need attention is how to avoid pile up. He recalls that he had some difficulty with that and needed special de-convoluting software to remove it.