FluxSvc Code Review July 16, 2002

Attendees: Sandhia Bansal, Joanne Bogart, Toby Burnett, Xin Chen, Jim Chiang, Seth Digel, Richard Dubois, Marco Frailis, Heather Kelly, Sean Robinson, Karl Young

Introuction to FluxSvc Package

Sean provided a nice introduction tot he FluxSvc package:
This document, or an updated version of this document should be moved to the central SAS web server.

Included in Sean's presentation was an introduction to the format for sources in the XML files.  One interesting point is when specifying the flux:
<source name="NAME" flux="###">
the units depend upon the type of source:
Flux is defined to be in units of particles/sec/m^2/steradian for diffuse sources, and particles/sec/m^2 for point sources (effectively integrating over angular size of the source.) 
Seth:  When specifying the flux, can you also specify the energy range?  Or is it assumed to be integrated over all energies?
Sean:  Assume it is integrated over all energies.  Typical usage involves determining when the next particle is to arrive - used to choose among composite sources.
Toby:  absolute flux is important for rate.

particle is defined by the following entry:
<particle name="p">
Richard:  Is there a list of acceptable particle names?
Toby: that list in now Geant4 dependent.
Sean agreed to locate the information and add it to to the documentation.
[Editor's Note:  Should our list of particle names be determined by an external library?  What if we wanted to later use gismo again?]

[Editor's Note2:  Some documentation describing the set of standard sources available in the source library, outside of the XML file itself, would be invaluable.]

Sean provided an introduction to defining new spectrum classes external to the FluxSvc package  A relatively new method involves the use of Gaudi Tools.
[Editor's Note:  Can more documentation be provided to show how to use the Tool interface?]

Sean continued to discuss Galactic Coordinate Transformations:
Within the XML specification for a source, users can specify whether to use the GLAST zenith pointing frame or Galaxy-Local coordinates.
When using galactic coordinates, a transformation is performed.  Sean mentioned that currently, the convention results in the x-axis pointing to the east.  He was wondering if that is acceptable?
Seth:  x-axis orientation should be determined by keeping the solar panels pointing towards the sun.  Wondering about how the coordinate transformation is done.  How is the rotation handled over precessional angle?
This code for galactic transformations will ultimately be moved to another package.

Next Sean discussed the data that is ultimately put on the TDS:
Heather - Is the time that is available in the EventHeader the same time provided by the FluxSvc?
Later on we determined that FluxAlg::execute does put the time on the TDS:
SmartDataPtr<Event::EventHeader> header(eventSvc(), EventModel::EventHeader);
if(header) {
  Event::EventHeader& h = header;

Sean ended his presentation by pointing out the future plans and asking that areas where the documentation is still opaque be pointed out.

Among the to do items is the Diffuse Extragalactic Background, which will be part of the new MapFlux package.
Seth - has the galactic diffuse emission been added in yet?
Sean - Soon, working on it
Seth - For tessellated sky map, is it assumed that the spectrum is the same everyone or is variation possible?
Sean - Short answer is yes.  The class has been designed to allow for variation.  There just needs to be an interface to read in the data appropriately.

Doxygen Documentation


Karl - Package owners should review the Code Documentation Guidelines available from the Documentation Task Force Home Page.  There are many elements missing:  link to release.notes, description of jobOptions parameters, etc.

Traudl - It would still be good if this description ("More Documentation ") could become part of the mainpage.h, because then the class names become clickable

Karl - should have standard place for html pages linked into the mainpage.
Toby - these documents belong in the doc directory of the package.

Marco - The mainpage needs more detailed comments generally.

We then proceeded to a brief discussion between Toby and Karl about the Doxygen documentation on the SLAC Unix space.  Currently only checkout packages have their Doxygen documentation automatically generated and stored on the site.  Karl suggested that this could be extended for all packages - but that has not been our practice up to now.

[Editor's Note:  Due to time constraints, we combined the documentation and code review for the individual classes.]

Code Review

Sean stepped us through some selected classes.

This is the classes from which all external Spectrum classes should derive.

Karl - is the energySrc method still in use?
Sean - it is a relatively new method and is not really being used yet.

A Gaudi Service that is the interface between Gaudi and the Flux classes.

Provides an interface to the XML source library file(s).
Passes the appropriate XML element to the FluxSource or CompositeSource - where the parameters are extracted and used to setup the spectrum(s).

Is an interface to the older code that resided in the flux package.  The question has been raised as to whether this class and IFlux is still required.  
Heather:  While it is an additional level of indirection, it does keep the older flux code nicely separate from the Gaudi code - if one day we wish to extract the flux classes for purposes outside of Gaudi, it will be easy to do so.
Heather:  What is the numSource( ) method for?
Sean:  It can be used to identify what source has been called.  It is useful for debugging.  It could also be used if we desire to store the source type on the TDS.
Marco: What is the difference between current event and current flux?
Sean:  event is the EventSource pointer and flux is the FluxSource pointer.  EventSource is mostly an abstract class - which FluxSource and CompositeSource are derived from.  EventSource defines the source itself.  FluxSource provides the energy, direction, position, etc.

Karl - Question about CLHEP usage, the random number seed does not seem to be set in the FluxSvc package.  Where should it be set?
Toby:  We should use the Gaudi Random Number Service for this purpose.

[Editor's Note:  One of the few classes with a detailed comment block.]

Accepts parameters through its constructor.  This class is used by the GPS class.

Offline commentary:
Richard:  Will the code keep GLAST properly oriented towards the sun?
Toby:  The Orbit code will rewritten in the near future.

A Gaudi algorithm that uses the FluxSvc to access details about an event:  energy, position, direction, particle type.  Those details are then stored on the TDS.

The first few lines in the execute routine allow the source to be changed by some external routine:
if(m_fluxSvc->currentFlux() == m_flux){
  m_flux = m_fluxSvc->currentFlux();

There is an ugly hack, to fix the inconsistency in how Geant4 names protons and how our internal spectrums identify protons.
if( particleName=="p") particleName="proton";
ParticleProperty* prop = m_partSvc->find(particleName);


This is code that was originally in the flux package.  There are many set routines that were used for the command line interface of the old glastsim.  Now all parameters are set through the XML file.  
FluxSource contains a Spectrum object, which handles setting up the specific Spectrum(s) in use.
The interval method determines when the next event is to take place.
Marco:  What does the setAcceptance( ) method do?
Sean:  Sets the solidAngle to take into account for the total rate.

Toby:  The eventNumber( ) method is obsolete now, it was used with older versions of the simulation.

Richard:  Do we record which source produced an event in the Monte Carlo record?
Sean:  We could put the numSource on the TDS.
Toby:  Is there some place to store this in a ROOT Monte Carlo header?
Heather:  It is certainly possible to update the ROOT classes, in fact we should discuss the header structure and get it finialize sooner rather than later.  However, do we want to just store the name of the source, or the specific spectrum that produced an event?
Richard:  The spectrum that produced an event. 
Heather:  So we could use the title provided by each Spectrum class as an identifier?
Sean:  We should use both numSource and title to uniquely identify the spectrum, as the names could overlap.
[Editor's Note:  The need to store the spectrum will be addressed by the Data Structures Task Force.]

Offline Commentary:
Richard:  Many private data members do not adhere to our naming conventions.
[Editor's Note:  This is older code, which predates our coding conventions.  However, it does seem this code is here to stay, if that is true, some plan should be put in place to update this class.]
Are there plans to replace the usage of strstream with sstream?


Heather, for Bill Atwood, via ICQ:  Energy in the source libraries can be in either GeV or MeV - this seems dangerous.  Why not standardize?

Sean:  It can be open for discussion, I am willing to do whatever keeps people happy.  Although, I've found that there is no way to keep everyone happy.

Heather, speaking for herself:  Most importantly there should be one set of units as the output of FluxSvc, in this case MeV.  However, it does seem dangerous to allow for a variety of units, forcing the code to do conversions in some instances and not others.

Traudl: It would also be good to mention what the (default) units are (I really would like that we could follow a CLHEP-like standard, then there is no doubt).

Action Items for FluxSvc package owners

Sean will provide a finalized version of his HTML pages to be stored directly on the SLAC SAS web.

Sean will locate a current list of particle names.

Update the mainpage to conform to our standards.  Provide a more basic summary of the package and how the pieces fit together.

Update all class headers to conform to our standard Doxygen header for class declarations.

All source files should be updated to include standard comment header as defined in the code documentation guidelines.

All methods should be updated with comments using our standard template:
// Purpose and Method:
// Input:
// Output:


H. Kelly Last Modified:  2004-08-04 15:39:19 -0700