FluxSvc Comments




Provide links to external documentation on models - such as CHIME...

A list of accepted particle names should be documented.

Document all standard sources provided in the source_library file.

What is the purpose of the defaultOptions.txt file - are users supposed to include it?

Provide additional details about using the Tool structure for an externally defined spectrum.
Mention the need to provide additional XML definitions for the new sources.


Validation Plans

Are there any deprecated methods in some of these classes?  EventSource::eventNumber( )?

What is Flux::numSource( ) for?

What is the status of the TimeDepSpectrum class?

FluxSvc_dll.cxx and FluxSvc_load.cxx need to use the new Gaudi macros.

Are there plans to remove the use of strstream in favor of sstream?


H. Kelly Last Modified:  2004-08-04 15:40:42 -0700