Traudl's Comments

1) It would still be good if this description ("More Documentation ") could become part of the mainpage.h, because then the class names become clickable.  It is very useful when this page gives an overview of the package, mentioning the most important classes, and of those which are similar at least one (the different spectrums for example).

2) Maybe a few sentences in mainpage.h about the different coord systems used would also be helpful, or - even better - a reference to a more detailed write-up of this package. 

3) It would also be good to mention what the (default) units are (I really would like that we could follow a CLHEP-like standard, then there is no doubt). Two*Pi etc should not be put explicitly (6.28...), eg Orbit (which has a mixture of 6.28 and m_2PI). 

4) The problem with short and long description seems to be back, at least for some class descriptions. 

5) There are things which are just esthetically not nice:
- sentences starting with lower case
- sentences all upper case (even if not included in the doxy document)
(also Orbit)

H. Kelly Last Modified:  2004-08-04 15:40:11 -0700