gold star Gleam User Guide: Event Display

Introduction File menu Display menu EventLoop menu Keyboard and mouse


The Gleam event display GUI provides access to several kinds of controls:
Standard 2-d detector view (Linux)

Event display appearance [Display menu]
Includes controls on level of detail in detector display, rendering (or suppression) of digi products, recon products, choice of view, etc.
Event sources [File menu, set source]
Choose among many possible sources, ranging from simple test sources to simulation of albedo and galactic sources.
Run control [EventLoop menu]
Generate single event, resume/pause continuous event generation.
Redirection of output [Display menu, System submenu]
Messages generated during event processing are output to the terminal window (unix) or console window (Windows) after each event. It is possible to save postscript [alternatively, see pdf made from postscript] and VRML versions of the event display. 
You can also exit the program [File menu, exit] and display help [Display menu, System submenu, print instructions].

Windows Gui
Event display with open menu  (Windows)
On Linux only, a menu may be "torn off" the main display, in which case it will stay open even after a selection is made. Otherwise the display features are nearly identical on the two supported platforms. They differ somewhat in appearance but not in any significant way.  Most examples in this write-up are taken from Linux.

Functions available from File, Display and EventLoop menus are described in following sections. The final section enumerates keyboard and mouse commands.

File Menu

File and source menus
The set Outputlevel... item is currently inoperative. Exit will exit the program. The source menu (truncated in the image to the right) can be used to select from an extensive list of sources.

Display Menu

Display menu
Display menu
Most but not all items accessible from this menu affect the appearance of the display.

show Detector
increase detector detail level
hide Detector
reduce detector detail level
submenu of materials used in the detector which act as toggles. By default, volumes of a toggled-on material will be outlined in gray, but you may select an alternate color.
submenu of simulator outputs which may be individually enabled/disabled on the display
submenu of outputs of Tracker reconstruction which may be individually enabled/disabled on the display
Cal recon (toggle)
Turn calorimeter reconstruction output on or off (on by default).
submenu of outputs of ACD reconstruction which may be individually enabled/disabled on the display
axes (toggle)
enable display of the coordinate axes
Reference point (toggle)
Displays coordinates of the reference point (but what is it?)
Scale (toggle)
Displays scale (mm)
Set ref. point... (dialog)
Allows you to set coordinates of the reference point.
Set magnification... (dialog)
Allows you to set magnification.
Submenu of items more or less tied to the interactive display.
3D Enabled (toggle)
use to disable entire display for batch running
2D Enabled (toggle)
For (unused) 2-d display capability.
reset all event-related objects
redraw event-related objects
Dump to postscript
generate postscript file of current display as it appears
Dump to vrml
generate a VRML 1.0 file with the current display elements, which can then be opened with a VRML browser.
Print instructions
make a list of the keyboard display commands

EventLoop Menu

EventLoop menu
EventLoop menu, quad view
The event loop menu provides the following controls:

Start/Resume (equivalent to typing cr)
If paused, resume run. If running, pause.
pause/step (equivalent to typing a space)
When paused, trigger a single event. When running continuously, pause.
set pause interval... (dialog)
Set interval in milliseconds between events during continuous running. Defaults to 0.
set max event... (dialog)
Program will exit when max event is reached. Default is 1000.
Quit Loop
Deprecated. As of this writing (Oct. 8, 2002, running Gleam v2r3p3) behaves just like Exit (on File menu) on Windows platform if you're already paused. If the run is in progress, Quit Loop stops on the current event, allowing you to examine the display if you wish, but all you can do afterwards is exit; you cannot resume generating events. On Linux clicking Quit Loop crashes. You can get the desired effect, on either platform, by using the space bar to pause, then clicking Exit. 

Keyboard and Mouse Controls

3-d view of detector (View 4)
As documented in the section on the EventLoop menu, the space bar and carriage return may be used to control the flow of events. Additionally, several keys have meaning for the appearance of the display. The zero key (0) toggles between displaying a single detector view (any of the standard 2-d views or a 3-d view) and all 4 at once.

The complete list of meaningful keys, approximately as output by clicking Display/System/Print instructions is

Keystroke display commands:
  b,f    move left,right  (Back,Forward)
  p,n    move up,down     (uP, Down)
  m,s    zoom in,out      (Magnify, Shrink)
  i,o    move in,out      (In, Out)
  r      reset view  (Reset)
  0      toggle single/quad view
  1,2,3,4        select  view#
  u      update     (Update)

Following set action for ,.
  x,y,z  set x,y,z axis for rotation
  d      modify detail level by x2
  ,      (comma)  rotate left by 10 deg
  <      rotate left by 1 deg
  .      (period) rotate right by 10 deg
  >      rotate right by 1 deg

Notes: Reset restores the initial appearance of the current view. Rotation axis refers to view coordinates which are fixed with respect to the screen rather than the detector.  For these coordinates, +z is perpendicular to the screen, coming out, +x is to the right, and +y is up.

Some of the same display functions accessible from the keyboard may be performed with the mouse. Clicking the left mouse button may be used to shift the detector right, left, up or down within the window. Dragging the mouse selects a rectange which will be expanded to the maximum which will fit comfortably in the viewing space.

Last updated: 08 October, 2002 13:18:28 -0700

J. Bogart