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Package rcUtil

Module "rcUtil". More...


class  Reloader


 importModule (appName, reload=1, dontReloadList=[], showUnloadedModules=0)

Detailed Description

Module "rcUtil".

Function Documentation

rcUtil.importModule appName  ,
reload  = 1,
dontReloadList  = [],
showUnloadedModules  = 0

Import a RunControl application or suite

appName Name of the module or pathname of the python script
reload 1 = Reload all modules that have been loaded since RunControl started (default) 0 = Do not reload modules (used if a suite is being loaded)
dontReloadList Optional parameter which specifies the additional list of module prefixes that should not be reloaded. If this parameter is missing then the default list (Reloader.DONT_RELOAD_LIST) is used, if it is specified then it gets appended to the default list.
The name of the module and the resolved pathname

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