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00001 #!/usr/local/bin/python
00002 #
00003 #                               Copyright 2002
00004 #                                     by
00005 #                        The Board of Trustees of the
00006 #                     Leland Stanford Junior University.
00007 #                            All rights reserved.
00008 #
00010 __facility__ = "Online"
00011 __abstract__ = "GLAST LAT run control related utility methods"
00012 __author__   = "S. Tuvi <> SLAC - GLAST LAT I&T/Online"
00013 __date__     = ("$Date: 2005/03/30 05:59:08 $").split(' ')[1]
00014 __version__  = "$Revision: 2.12 $"
00015 __credits__  = "SLAC"
00017 import LATTE.copyright_SLAC
00019 import imp
00020 import os
00021 import sys
00022 import logging as log
00023 import string
00024 from   types import ModuleType
00026 class Reloader:
00027   DONT_RELOAD_LIST = ['scipy', 'weave', 'qwt', 'xml', 'pyexpat', 'win32',
00028                       'ROOT', 'libPyROOT']
00030   def __init__(self):
00031     self.appinit = {}
00033   def getNewModules(self, keepem):
00034     modules = {}
00035     for i, m in sys.modules.items():
00036       if (i not in keepem) and \
00037           (type(m) == ModuleType):
00038           modules[i] = m
00039     return modules
00041   def clearAppModules(self, dontReloadList, showUnloadedModules):
00042     if self.appinit == {}:
00043       appfinish = {}
00044     else:
00045       appfinish = self.getNewModules(self.appinit)
00046     for i in self.filterModules(appfinish, dontReloadList):
00047       if i in sys.modules:
00048         if showUnloadedModules:
00049           log.debug("Unloading module %s %s" % (i, sys.modules[i].__file__))
00050         del sys.modules[i]
00051     self.appinit = sys.modules.copy()
00053   def filterModules(self, modules, dontReloadList):
00054     dontReload = dontReloadList + Reloader.DONT_RELOAD_LIST
00055     mods = []
00056     for (moduleName, module) in modules.items():
00057       for modulePrefix in dontReload:
00058         if moduleName.startswith(modulePrefix):
00059           break
00060         if '__file__' not in dir(module):
00061           break
00062         if os.path.splitext(module.__file__)[1].lower() in ('.pyd','.dll'):
00063           break
00064         if os.path.normpath(os.path.normcase(module.__file__)).startswith(os.path.normpath(os.path.normcase(sys.prefix))):
00065           break
00066       else:
00067         mods.append(moduleName)
00068     return mods
00070 reloadModules = Reloader()
00072 def importModule(appName, reload=1, dontReloadList=[], showUnloadedModules=0):
00073   """Import a RunControl application or suite
00074   \param appName        Name of the module or pathname of the python script
00075   \param reload         1 = Reload all modules that have been loaded since RunControl started (default)
00076                         0 = Do not reload modules (used if a suite is being loaded)
00077   \param dontReloadList Optional parameter which specifies the additional list of module prefixes
00078                         that should not be reloaded. If this parameter is missing then the default list
00079                         (Reloader.DONT_RELOAD_LIST) is used, if it is specified then it gets appended
00080                         to the default list.
00082   \return The name of the module and the resolved pathname
00084   """
00086   # First check if a module name is specified, if so try to resolve its source.
00087   (appPath, appFile) = os.path.split(appName)
00088   (appBase, appExt)  = os.path.splitext(appFile)
00089   if appExt == '':
00090     try:
00091       if appPath == '':
00092         (f, path, desc) = imp.find_module(appBase)
00093       else:
00094         (f, path, desc) = imp.find_module(appBase, [appPath])
00095       (appPath, appFile) = os.path.split(path)
00096       (appBase, appExt)  = os.path.splitext(appFile)
00097     except ImportError, e:
00098       raise e
00100   _suffixes = {}
00101   for ext, mode, typ in imp.get_suffixes():
00102     _suffixes[ext] = (ext, mode, typ)
00103   _infoMap =  {
00104                 '.py' : ('.py','r',1),
00105                 '.pyc': ('.pyc','rb',2),
00106                 '.pyo': ('.pyo','rb',2)
00107               }
00110   # Temporarily change the directory in case the application
00111   # needs to load additional modules from the same directory.
00112   curDir = os.getcwd()
00113   if appPath != '': os.chdir(appPath)
00115   # Handle relative paths, by resolving the path again after current directory is changed.
00116   appPath = os.getcwd()
00117   if appPath not in sys.path:
00118     sys.path.append(appPath)
00119   appName = os.path.join(appPath, appFile)
00121   pycFile = os.path.join(appPath, appBase + '.pyc')
00122   pyoFile = os.path.join(appPath, appBase + '.pyo')
00123   if appExt == '.py':
00124     if os.path.exists(pyoFile) and os.path.getmtime(pyoFile) >= os.path.getmtime(appName):
00125         filename = pyoFile
00126         appExt = '.pyo'
00127     elif _suffixes.has_key('.pyo'):
00128         filename = appName
00129     elif os.path.exists(pycFile) and os.path.getmtime(pycFile) >= os.path.getmtime(appName):
00130       filename = pycFile
00131       appExt = '.pyc'
00132     else:
00133       filename = appName
00134   elif appExt == '.pyc':
00135     if os.path.exists(pyoFile) and os.path.getmtime(pyoFile) >= os.path.getmtime(appName):
00136       filename = pyoFile
00137       appExt = '.pyo'
00138     else:
00139       filename = appName
00140   elif appExt == '.pyo':
00141     filename = appName
00142   else:
00143     msg = 'Invalid module extension: %s' % appName
00144     raise RuntimeError, msg
00145   info = _infoMap[appExt]
00146   f = file(filename, info[1])
00148   try:
00149     # Clear the modules that was imported during the loading and
00150     # execution of the previous script.
00151     if reload: reloadModules.clearAppModules(dontReloadList, showUnloadedModules)
00152     module = imp.load_module(appBase, f, filename, info)
00153   finally:
00154     f.close()
00155     sys.path.remove(appPath)
00156     if os.path.exists(curDir):
00157       os.chdir(curDir)
00158   return (module, filename)

Generated on Fri Jul 21 13:26:32 2006 for LATTE R04-12-00 by doxygen 1.4.3