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00001 __version__  = "$Revision: 2.4 $"
00003 from qt import *
00005 class userAppLeaf(QListViewItem):
00006   """\brief userApp Gui Leaf
00007   This is the class of a leaf in the userApp Gui Tree
00008   It contains both basic functionality as a leaf (mainly input selection functions)
00009   and functionality as a manager of application windows
00010   """
00012   whitebox_pix = None
00013   greybox_pix = None
00014   whitecheckedbox_pix = None
00016   objects = {}
00017   def __init__(self, lat, node, parent):
00018     """ Init Function for the leaf
00019         \param lat_node pointer to the LAT structure
00020         \param self_node pointer to the "Gnode" device related to this leaf
00021         \param parent object to use as the QCheckListItem parent
00022     """
00023     userAppLeaf.objects[id(self)] = 1
00024     self.node = node
00025 = lat
00026     self.inputNodes = []
00028     QListViewItem.__init__(self, parent,
00029     self.setText(0,
00030     self.setOn(0)
00032     self.setEnabled(1)
00033     self.window = None
00034     self.subw_list = []
00035     self.window_scroller = None
00036     self.warning = 0
00037     self.pwarning = 0
00038 #    self.AppWindowFiles = []
00039     self.guiClasses = []
00040     self.__generateCheckBoxDrawing()
00041     self.setPixmap(0, self.whitebox_pix)
00045   def __generateCheckBoxDrawing(self):
00046     if userAppLeaf.whitebox_pix is None:
00047       checkbox = QCheckBox(None,'')
00048       checkbox.setMaximumSize(checkbox.sizeHint())
00049       checkbox.setTristate(1)
00050       checkbox.setState(QCheckBox.Off)
00051       userAppLeaf.whitebox_pix = QPixmap.grabWidget(checkbox)
00052       checkbox.setState(QCheckBox.NoChange)
00053       userAppLeaf.greybox_pix = QPixmap.grabWidget(checkbox)
00054       checkbox.setState(QCheckBox.On)
00055       userAppLeaf.whitecheckedbox_pix = QPixmap.grabWidget(checkbox)
00056 ##      checkbox.hide()
00058   def rect(self):
00059     tree = self.getTree()
00060     rect = tree.itemRect(self)
00061     a = tree.treeStepSize()*(self.depth()+tree.rootIsDecorated())+tree.itemMargin() + self.pixmap(0).width()
00062     rect.setLeft(a)
00063     return rect
00065   def pressedEvent(self,pos, column):
00066     tree = self.getTree()
00067     pos = tree.mapFromGlobal(pos)
00068     a = tree.treeStepSize()*(self.depth()+tree.rootIsDecorated())+tree.itemMargin()
00069     ##b = a + 20
00070     b = a + self.pixmap(0).width()
00071     #~ print "%d, %d" %(a,b)
00072     if pos.x() > a and pos.x() < b:
00073       self.stateChangeClicked()
00075   def setOn(self, value):
00076     self.On = value
00078   def isOn(self):
00079     return self.On
00081   def __del__(self):
00082     del userAppLeaf.objects[id(self)]
00084   ## Leaf functionality
00085   def getTree(self):
00086     return self.listView()
00088   def stateChangeClicked(self):
00089     self.setOn(not self.isOn())
00090     self.__propagateTriggerInputsUpdate()
00091     self.getTree().emit(PYSIGNAL("leafStateChanged (userAppLeaf * )"), (self, ))
00093   def __propagateTriggerInputsUpdate(self,childrenToo = 0, parentToo = 1):
00094     if childrenToo:
00095       child = self.firstChild()
00096       while child is not None:
00097         child.__propagateTriggerInputsUpdate(childrenToo,0)
00098         child = child.nextSibling()
00099     self.triggerInputsUpdate()
00100     if parentToo and self.parent() is not None:
00101       self.parent().__propagateTriggerInputsUpdate(0, parentToo)
00103   def name(self):
00104     """ Function which returns the name of the leaf
00105         A parent of this leaf should not possibly have two leaves with the same name
00106         The leaf could have cousins with the same name
00107         \return name of node/leaf
00108     """
00109     name_with_id = "%s %2d" %(self.node.getName(),
00110     return name_with_id
00112   def module(self):
00113     """ Function which returns the name of the Gnode
00114         The parent might have more than one child with the same module name
00115         \return name of module type
00116     """
00117     return str(self.node.getName())
00119   def getLeaf(self,leaf):
00120     """ Function that finds the leaf in the hierarchical structure of leaves starting at this leaf
00121         A match only occur if there exist a leaf at depth k under self with all of its parents name up to self matching with the reference leaf kth first parents.
00122         Ex: ref_leaf = a->b->self->d->e->ref_leaf will match with self->d->e->ref_leaf
00123         This function is mostly use to port information between leaves of different implementation of the same ELX Tree
00124         \param leaf leaf object to find in the structure
00125         \return the leaf that matches with the searched leaf, None with no match
00126     """
00127     #Is it self?
00128     if ==
00129       return self
00131     #Is self a parent?
00132     leaf_parent = leaf
00133     leaf_parent_parent = leaf.parent()
00134     while 1:
00135       if ==
00136         break
00137       elif leaf_parent_parent == leaf.getTree():
00138         return None
00139       leaf_parent = leaf_parent_parent
00140       leaf_parent_parent = leaf_parent_parent.parent()
00142     # Can we get it from any of our child?
00143     us_child = self.firstChild()
00144     while us_child is not None:
00145       if ==
00146         return us_child.getLeaf(leaf)
00147       us_child = us_child.nextSibling()
00148     return None
00150   def __copyCheckedNodes(self, from_leaf):
00151     """ Function which copies all the checked information from the from_leaf structure to the self leaf structure
00152         The functions does not do anything if from_leaf and self do not match
00153         \from_leaf leaf to use as a reference to set the checked structure of this leaf
00154     """
00155     if ==
00156       self.setOn(from_leaf.isOn())
00157       #~ self.setOnNoSignal(from_leaf.isOn())
00158       from_child = from_leaf.firstChild()
00160       ##assuming the same ordering of children
00161       to_child = self.firstChild()
00162       while from_child is not None:
00163         while to_child is not None:
00164           if ==
00165             to_child.__copyCheckedNodes(from_child)
00166             to_child = to_child.nextSibling()
00167             break
00168           to_child = to_child.nextSibling()
00169         from_child = from_child.nextSibling()
00171       ## No prior assumption
00172       #~ while from_child is not None:
00173         #~ to_child = self.firstChild()
00174         #~ while to_child is not None:
00175           #~ to_child.copyCheckedNodes(from_child)
00176           #~ to_child = to_child.nextSibling()
00177         #~ from_child = from_child.nextSibling()
00179   def copyCheckedNodes(self, from_leaf):
00180     self.__copyCheckedNodes(from_leaf)
00181     self.__propagateTriggerInputsUpdate(True, True)
00182     self.__emitLeavesStateChanged()
00184   def select_family(self, value = 1):
00185     """ Function that checks/unchecks this leaf and all its children leaves and all their children...
00186         \value checks all leaves if 1, unchecks all if 0
00187     """
00188     self.setOn(value)
00189     child = self.firstChild()
00190     while child is not None:
00191       child.select_family(value)
00192       child = child.nextSibling()
00194   def unselect_family(self):
00195     """ Function that unchecks this leaf and all its children leaves and all their children...
00196     """
00197     self.select_family(0)
00199   def expand_family(self, value = 1):
00200     """ Function that expands/collapse the leaf node in the tree and all its children and their children...
00201         \value expands all leaves if 1, collapse if 0
00202     """
00203     self.setOpen(value)
00204     child = self.firstChild()
00205     while child is not None:
00206       child.expand_family(value)
00207       child = child.nextSibling()
00209   def collapse_family(self):
00210     """ Function that expands/collapse the leaf node in the tree and all its children and their children...
00211     """
00212     self.expand_family(0)
00214   def selectFamilyClicked(self, value = 1):
00215     self.select_family(value)
00216     self.__propagateTriggerInputsUpdate(1,1)
00217     self.__emitLeavesStateChanged()
00219   def __emitLeavesStateChanged(self):
00220     self.getTree().emit(PYSIGNAL("leavesStateChanged ( QListViewItem * )"), (self, ))
00222   def unselectFamilyClicked(self):
00223     self.selectFamilyClicked(0)
00225   def leafActionsTuples(self):
00226     """ Function which returns the possible actions that can be included in this leafs menu
00227         \return a list of tuples (name,method) where name is the name of the action and method is the method implements the action
00228     """
00229     actions = [('Select All',self.selectFamilyClicked),
00230                   ('Unselect All',self.unselectFamilyClicked),
00231                   ('Expand',self.expand_family),
00232                   ('Collapse',self.collapse_family)]
00233     return actions
00235   ## Application manager
00237   def loadAppWindows(self,leaf_window_list):
00238     """ Function which loads the list of application windows related to the leaf
00239         \param appfiles_list list of module names to use as application window (these module need to contain a class 'MainWindow')
00240     """
00241     if self.window is not None:
00242       self.window.close()
00243       self.window = None
00244       del(self.subw_list)
00245       del(self.app_list)
00246       self.subw_list = []
00247     self.guiClasses = leaf_window_list
00249   def createWindow(self,parent):
00250     """ Function that creates the window containing the applications managed by the leaf
00251         If the window exists already, the function returns the pointer to this window
00252         \parent pointer to the parent to use to create the window
00253         \return pointer to the window
00254     """
00255     if self.window is None:
00256       self.window = QVBox(parent)
00257       for guiclass in self.guiClasses:
00258         #look for gui, userId, debug
00259         subw = guiclass(, self.node, self.window, self)
00260         self.subw_list.append(subw)
00261     return self.window
00264   def getInputNodes(self, of_class_type = None):
00265     """ Function which extracts from all its child leaves the ones that are checked
00266         Builds a list of Gnodes for the application to use as inputs
00267         \return list of Gnodes
00268     """
00269     if of_class_type is None:
00270       return self.inputNodes
00272     inputs = []
00273     for node in self.inputNodes:
00274       if isinstance(node, of_class_type):
00275         inputs.append(node)
00276     return inputs
00278   def getLogDir(self):
00279     """ Function which returns the current log directory for the application
00280         \return a string containing the name of the directory to log in
00281     """
00282     return self.getTree().sys_comm.getLogDir()
00284   def getRC(self):
00285     return self.getTree().sys_comm.getRC()
00287   def setStatus(self, status_descr):
00288     if status_descr[0] == 'warning':
00289       self.setWarning(1)
00290     else:
00291       self.setWarning(0)
00292     self.getTree().setStatus(self, status_descr)
00294   def triggerPolling(self):
00295     if self.window is not None:
00296       for subw in self.subw_list:
00297         subw.triggerPolling()
00299   def triggerCmdCliUpdate(self):
00300     if self.window is not None:
00301       for subw in self.subw_list:
00302         subw.triggerCmdCliUpdate()
00304   def triggerInputsUpdate(self):
00305     ##This method assumes that all children of this leaf have been previously triggered
00306     in_nodes = []
00307     if self.isOn():
00308       in_nodes = [self.node]
00309     child = self.firstChild()
00310     while child is not None:
00311       in_nodes = in_nodes + child.getInputNodes()
00312       child = child.nextSibling()
00313     self.inputNodes = in_nodes
00314     if not self.isOn():
00315       if in_nodes != []:
00316        self.setPixmap(0,self.greybox_pix)
00317       else:
00318        self.setPixmap(0,self.whitebox_pix)
00319     else:
00320        self.setPixmap(0,self.whitecheckedbox_pix)
00322     if self.window is not None:
00323       for subw in self.subw_list:
00324         subw.triggerInputsUpdate()
00326   def close(self):
00327     if self.window is not None:
00328       for subw in self.subw_list:
00329         subw.close()
00330       self.window.close()
00333   ## Triggering Alerts section
00335   def paintCell(self, p, cg, column, width, align):
00336     """ Function that reimplements QCheckListItem.paintCell to show that warning is active
00337     """
00338     new_cg = QColorGroup(cg)
00339     if self.pwarning == 1:
00340       new_cg.setColor(QColorGroup.Text , QColor(200,0,0))
00341     QListViewItem.paintCell(self, p, new_cg, column, width, align)
00343   def paintFocus(self, p, cg, r):
00344     ## Removes the misaligned flashy rectangle around the selected item
00345     pass
00347   def paintWarning(self, value):
00348     """ Function that sets the Paint warning value for the leaf
00349         A paint warning means either the leaf or one of the leaf's child is in warning mode
00350         \param value warning is painted if 1, not painted if 0
00351     """
00352     self.pwarning = value
00353     self.repaint()
00355   def updatePWarning(self):
00356     """ Function which updates the paint warning for this leaf and triggers an update for this leaf's parent
00357     """
00358     warning = self.warning
00359     child = self.firstChild()
00360     while child is not None:
00361       warning |= child.pwarning
00362       child = child.nextSibling()
00363     if warning != self.pwarning:
00364       self.paintWarning(warning)
00365       if self.parent() is not None:
00366         self.parent().updatePWarning()
00368   def setWarning(self,value):
00369     """ Function that sets/clear the leaf in warning mode
00370         It also updates the paint warning information
00371         \param value sets if 1, clears if 0
00372     """
00373     if self.warning != value:
00374       self.warning = value
00375       self.paintWarning(value)
00376       self.updatePWarning()

Generated on Fri Jul 21 13:26:34 2006 for LATTE R04-12-00 by doxygen 1.4.3