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userAppLeaf Class Reference

userApp Gui Leaf This is the class of a leaf in the userApp Gui Tree It contains both basic functionality as a leaf (mainly input selection functions) and functionality as a manager of application windows More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __init__ (lat, node, parent)
 rect ()
 pressedEvent (pos, column)
 setOn (value)
 isOn ()
 __del__ ()
 getTree ()
 stateChangeClicked ()
 name ()
 module ()
 getLeaf (leaf)
 copyCheckedNodes (from_leaf)
 select_family (value=1)
 unselect_family ()
 expand_family (value=1)
 collapse_family ()
 selectFamilyClicked (value=1)
 unselectFamilyClicked ()
 leafActionsTuples ()
 loadAppWindows (leaf_window_list)
 createWindow (parent)
 getInputNodes (of_class_type=None)
 getLogDir ()
 getRC ()
 setStatus (status_descr)
 triggerPolling ()
 triggerCmdCliUpdate ()
 triggerInputsUpdate ()
 close ()
 paintCell (p, cg, column, width, align)
 paintFocus (p, cg, r)
 paintWarning (value)
 updatePWarning ()
 setWarning (value)

Detailed Description

userApp Gui Leaf This is the class of a leaf in the userApp Gui Tree It contains both basic functionality as a leaf (mainly input selection functions) and functionality as a manager of application windows

Definition at line 11 of file

Member Function Documentation

__init__ lat  ,
node  ,

Init Function for the leaf

lat_node pointer to the LAT structure
self_node pointer to the "Gnode" device related to this leaf
parent object to use as the QCheckListItem parent

collapse_family  ) 

Function that expands/collapse the leaf node in the tree and all its children and their children...

copyCheckedNodes from_leaf   ) 

No prior assumption

createWindow parent   ) 

Function that creates the window containing the applications managed by the leaf If the window exists already, the function returns the pointer to this window pointer to the parent to use to create the window

pointer to the window

expand_family value  = 1  ) 

Function that expands/collapse the leaf node in the tree and all its children and their children... expands all leaves if 1, collapse if 0

getInputNodes of_class_type  = None  ) 

Function which extracts from all its child leaves the ones that are checked Builds a list of Gnodes for the application to use as inputs

list of Gnodes

getLeaf leaf   ) 

Function that finds the leaf in the hierarchical structure of leaves starting at this leaf A match only occur if there exist a leaf at depth k under self with all of its parents name up to self matching with the reference leaf kth first parents. Ex: ref_leaf = a->b->self->d->e->ref_leaf will match with self->d->e->ref_leaf This function is mostly use to port information between leaves of different implementation of the same ELX Tree

leaf leaf object to find in the structure
the leaf that matches with the searched leaf, None with no match

getLogDir  ) 

Function which returns the current log directory for the application

a string containing the name of the directory to log in

getTree  ) 

Leaf functionality

leafActionsTuples  ) 

Function which returns the possible actions that can be included in this leafs menu

a list of tuples (name,method) where name is the name of the action and method is the method implements the action

loadAppWindows leaf_window_list   ) 

Application manager Function which loads the list of application windows related to the leaf

appfiles_list list of module names to use as application window (these module need to contain a class 'MainWindow')

module  ) 

Function which returns the name of the Gnode The parent might have more than one child with the same module name

name of module type

name  ) 

Function which returns the name of the leaf A parent of this leaf should not possibly have two leaves with the same name The leaf could have cousins with the same name

name of node/leaf

paintCell ,
cg  ,
column  ,
width  ,

Triggering Alerts section Function that reimplements QCheckListItem.paintCell to show that warning is active

paintFocus ,
cg  ,

Removes the misaligned flashy rectangle around the selected item

paintWarning value   ) 

Function that sets the Paint warning value for the leaf A paint warning means either the leaf or one of the leaf's child is in warning mode

value warning is painted if 1, not painted if 0

rect  ) 


select_family value  = 1  ) 

Function that checks/unchecks this leaf and all its children leaves and all their children... checks all leaves if 1, unchecks all if 0

setOn value   ) 

b = a + 20

setWarning value   ) 

Function that sets/clear the leaf in warning mode It also updates the paint warning information

value sets if 1, clears if 0

triggerInputsUpdate  ) 

This method assumes that all children of this leaf have been previously triggered

unselect_family  ) 

Function that unchecks this leaf and all its children leaves and all their children...

updatePWarning  ) 

Function which updates the paint warning for this leaf and triggers an update for this leaf's parent

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Fri Jul 21 13:28:41 2006 for LATTE R04-12-00 by doxygen 1.4.3