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Go to the documentation of this file.
00012 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
00013 #include "config.h"
00014 #endif
00016 // For truncation warning
00017 #ifdef _MSC_VER
00018 #include "msdevstudio/MSconfig.h"
00019 #endif
00021 #include "PyDataSource.h"
00023 #include "datasrcs/DataSourceController.h"
00024 #include "datasrcs/DataSourceException.h"
00025 #include "datasrcs/NTuple.h"
00026 #include "python/ListTuple.h"
00028 #ifdef HAVE_NUMARRAY
00029 #include "numarray/NumArrayTuple.h"
00030 #include "numarray/num_util.h"
00031 #endif
00033 #ifdef HAVE_CFITSIO
00034 #include "fits/FitsNTuple.h"
00035 #endif
00037 #ifdef HAVE_ROOT
00038 #include "root/QtRootNTuple.h"
00039 #endif
00041 #include <sstream>
00043 using namespace boost::python;
00045 namespace hippodraw {
00046 namespace Python {
00048 void PyDataSourceExceptionTranslator( const PyDataSource::StopIteration & e ) {
00049    PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_StopIteration, e.what() );
00050 }
00052 void
00053 export_DataArray()
00054 {
00055    class_ < PyDataSource >
00056      ( "DataArray",
00057        "A DataArray wraps a DataSource object so that numerical Python\n"
00058        "arrays can be used as both input and output.   The numerical array\n"
00059        "can be either a numarray.array or Numeric.array depending on\n"
00060        "how the hippo module was configured.\n"
00061        "\n"
00062        "Accees to the array is done like a Python list or dictionary.\n"
00063        "\tarray = my_data_array [ index ] # list form\n"
00064        "\tarray = my_data_array [ 'my_label' ] # dict form\n"
00065        "\n"
00066        "Storage to the array is also done like a Python list or dictionary.\n"
00067        "\tmy_data_array [ index ] = ... # list form\n"
00068        "\tmy_data_array [ 'my_label' ] = ... # dict form\n" )
00070       .def ( init < const std::string & > (
00071              "DataArray ( string ) -> DataArray\n"
00072              "\n"
00073              "Creates a DataArray.   The string can be one of\n"
00074              "\tListTuple\n"
00075              "\tNTuple\n"
00076              "\tNumArrayTuple" ) )
00078       .add_property ( "columns", 
00079                       &PyDataSource::columns )
00081       .add_property ( "rows",
00082                       &PyDataSource::rows )
00084      .def ( "dataSource",
00085             &PyDataSource::dataSource,
00086             return_value_policy < reference_existing_object > (),
00087             "dataSource () -> DataSource\n"
00088             "\n"
00089             "Returns reference to underlying DataSource"  )
00091       .def ( "getTitle", 
00092              &PyDataSource::getTitle,
00093              return_value_policy < copy_const_reference > (),
00094              "getTitle () -> string\n"
00095              "\n"
00096              "Returns title of the DataSource." )
00098       .def ( "setName",
00099              &PyDataSource::setName,
00100              "setName ( string ) -> None\n"
00101              "\n"
00102              "Sets the name of the DataSource. The name should be unique\n"
00103              "with one application and may appear in the Inspector panel." )
00105       .def ( "setTitle",
00106              &PyDataSource::setTitle,
00107              "setTitle ( string ) -> None\n"
00108              "\n"
00109              "Sets the title of the DataSource.  The title is what appears,\n"
00110              "by default, at the top of a Display." )
00112       .def ( "getLabels",
00113              &PyDataSource::getLabels,
00114              return_value_policy < copy_const_reference > (),
00115              "getLabels () -> list\n"
00116              "\n"
00117              "Returns the list of string objects of column labels." )
00119       .def ( "addColumn", 
00120              ( int (PyDataSource:: * )
00121                (const std::string &, const std::vector<double> &) )
00122              &PyDataSource::addColumn,
00123              "addColumn ( string, list ) -> value\n"
00124              "addColumn ( string, array ) -> value\n"
00125              "\n"
00126              "Adds a column. The string will be the label of the column.\n"
00127              "A copy of the list or array values will be the contents.\n"
00128              "The second form is only avalable if HippoDraw was configured\n"
00129              "with numerical Python support. Returns the new column's index." )
00131 #ifdef HAVE_NUMARRAY      
00132       .def ( "addColumn", 
00133              ( int (PyDataSource:: * )
00134                (const std::string &, boost::python::numeric::array) )
00135              &PyDataSource::addColumn )
00136 #endif
00138       .def ( "getColumn", 
00139              ( const std::vector < double > & (PyDataSource:: * ) // fptr
00140                ( unsigned int ) const) // function signature
00141              &PyDataSource::getColumn,
00142              return_value_policy < copy_const_reference> (),
00143              "getColumn ( value ) -> list\n"
00144              "\n"
00145              "Returns a column as list of floats.  'value' maybe either\n"
00146              "the column label or its index." )
00148       .def ( "getColumn", 
00149              ( const std::vector < double > & (PyDataSource:: * ) // fptr
00150                ( const std::string & ) const) // function signature
00151              &PyDataSource::getColumn,
00152              return_value_policy < copy_const_reference> () )
00154       .def ( "replaceColumn", 
00155              ( void (PyDataSource:: * )
00156                ( const std::string &, const std::vector<double> & ) )
00157              &PyDataSource::replaceColumn,
00158              "replaceColumn ( value, list ) -> None\n"
00159              "replaceColumn ( value, array ) -> None\n"
00160              "\n"
00161              "Replace column by its label or index.  The second form is \n"
00162              "only available if HippoDraw was configure with numerical\n"
00163              "arrays." )
00165       .def ( "replaceColumn", 
00166              ( void (PyDataSource:: * ) // fptr
00167                ( unsigned int index, const std::vector<double> & ) )
00168              &PyDataSource::replaceColumn )
00170 #ifdef HAVE_NUMARRAY      
00171       .def ( "replaceColumn", 
00172              ( void (PyDataSource:: * ) // fptr
00173                ( const std::string &, numeric::array ) ) // function signature
00174              &PyDataSource::replaceColumn )
00176       .def ( "replaceColumn", 
00177              ( void (PyDataSource:: * ) // fptr
00178                ( unsigned int index, numeric::array ) ) // function signature
00179              &PyDataSource::replaceColumn )
00180 #endif
00182 // comment out until implemented for ListTuple and NumArrayTuple
00183 //       .def ( "clear",
00184 //              &PyDataSource::clear,
00185 //              "Clears the data elements of the DataSource" )
00187       .def ("has_key",
00188             &PyDataSource::hasColumn,
00189             "has_key ( string ) -> boolean\n"
00190             "\n"
00191             "Returns True if column with label exists.")
00193       .def ( "keys",
00194              &PyDataSource::getLabels,
00195              return_value_policy < copy_const_reference > (),
00196              "keys () -> list\n"
00197              "\n"
00198              "Returns the list of column labels." )
00200       .def ( "register",
00201              ( void (PyDataSource:: * ) ( const std::string & ) )
00202              &PyDataSource::registerNTuple,
00203              "register ( string ) -> None\n"
00204              "register ( ) -> string\n"
00205              "\n"
00206              "Register the underlying DataSource with the\n"
00207              "DataSourceController. The first form registers it with the\n"
00208              "given name, while the second from returns a unique name\n"
00209              "generated by the controller." )
00211       .def ( "register",
00212              ( std::string (PyDataSource:: * ) () )
00213              &PyDataSource::registerNTuple )
00215 #ifdef HAVE_NUMARRAY
00216       .def ( "__getitem__", 
00217              ( numeric::array ( PyDataSource:: * )
00218                ( const std::string & ) const )
00219              &PyDataSource::columnAsNumArray,
00220              return_value_policy < return_by_value > (),
00221              "__getitem__ ( value ) -> array\n"
00222              "\n"
00223              "Returns a copy of the column as numerical array.   'value' can\n"
00224              "be either the column label or its index." )
00226       .def ( "__getitem__", 
00227              ( numeric::array ( PyDataSource:: * )
00228                ( unsigned int ) const )
00229              &PyDataSource::columnAsNumArray,
00230              return_value_policy < return_by_value > () )
00232       .def ( "__setitem__", 
00233              ( void ( PyDataSource:: * )
00234                ( const std::string &, numeric::array ) )
00235              &PyDataSource::saveColumnFromNumArray,
00236              return_value_policy < return_by_value > (),
00237              "__setitem__ ( value, array ) -> None\n"
00238              "\n"
00239              "Copies the constents of array.  If `'value' is an index, then\n"
00240              "replaces the contents of the existing column.   If 'value' is\n"
00241              "a label then either replaces existing column with that label\n"
00242              "or adds a new column." )
00244       .def ( "__setitem__", 
00245              ( void ( PyDataSource:: * )
00246                ( unsigned int, numeric::array ) )
00247              &PyDataSource::saveColumnFromNumArray,
00248              return_value_policy < return_by_value > () )
00249 #endif
00250       ;
00251    register_exception_translator<PyDataSource::StopIteration>
00252       (&PyDataSourceExceptionTranslator);
00253 }
00255 } // namespace Python
00256 } // namespace hippodraw
00258 PyDataSource::PyDataSource() {
00259    m_type = "NTuple";
00260    m_dataSource = new NTuple();
00261 }
00263 PyDataSource::
00264 PyDataSource ( const std::string & name, DataSource * source )
00265   : m_type ( name ),
00266     m_dataSource ( source )
00267 {
00268 }
00270 PyDataSource::
00271 PyDataSource(const std::string & dataSource) : m_type(dataSource) {
00272    if (dataSource == "ListTuple") {
00273       m_dataSource = new ListTuple();
00274    } else if (dataSource == "NTuple") {
00275       m_dataSource = new NTuple();
00276 #ifdef HAVE_NUMARRAY
00277    } else if (dataSource == "NumArrayTuple") {
00278       m_dataSource = new NumArrayTuple();
00279 #endif
00280    } else {
00281       throw std::runtime_error("Invalid DataSource: " + dataSource);
00282    }
00283 }
00285 PyDataSource::~PyDataSource() {
00286    delete m_dataSource;
00287 }
00290 unsigned int PyDataSource::columns() const {
00291    return m_dataSource->columns();
00292 }
00294 unsigned int PyDataSource::rows() const {
00295    return m_dataSource->rows();
00296 }
00298 const std::string & PyDataSource::getTitle() const {
00299    return m_dataSource->title();
00300 }
00302 void PyDataSource::setTitle(const std::string & title) {
00303    m_dataSource->setTitle(title);
00304 }
00306 void PyDataSource::setName(const std::string & name) {
00307    m_dataSource->setName(name);
00308 }
00310 const std::vector<std::string> & PyDataSource::getLabels() const {
00311    return m_dataSource->getLabels();
00312 }
00314 const std::vector<double> & 
00315 PyDataSource::getColumn(const std::string & name) const {
00316    return m_dataSource->getColumn(name);
00317 }
00319 const std::vector<double> & 
00320 PyDataSource::getColumn(unsigned int index) const {
00321    return m_dataSource->getColumn(index);
00322 }
00324 void
00325 PyDataSource::
00326 replaceColumn (const std::string & label,
00327                const std::vector < double > & col )
00328 {
00329    if (m_type == "NTuple") {
00330       NTuple * nt = dynamic_cast<NTuple *>(m_dataSource);
00331       nt->replaceColumn(label, col);
00332    } else if (m_type == "ListTuple") {
00333       ListTuple * nt = dynamic_cast<ListTuple *>(m_dataSource);
00334       boost::python::list seq(col);
00335       nt->replaceColumn(label, seq);
00336    } else {
00337       std::string what("Cannot replace a column of this type in a " + m_type);
00338       throw std::runtime_error(what);
00339    }
00340 }
00342 void
00343 PyDataSource::
00344 replaceColumn ( unsigned int index,
00345                 const std::vector < double > & col)
00346 {
00347    const std::vector<std::string> & names = m_dataSource->getLabels();
00348    if ( 0 <= index && index < names.size() ) {
00349       replaceColumn(names[index], col);
00350    } else {
00351       std::ostringstream what;
00352       what << "Invalid column index: " << index;
00353       throw std::runtime_error(what.str());
00354    }
00355 }
00357 #ifdef HAVE_NUMARRAY
00358 void
00359 PyDataSource::
00360 replaceColumn ( const std::string & label,
00361                 boost::python::numeric::array array)
00362 {
00363    NumArrayTuple * nt = dynamic_cast<NumArrayTuple *>(m_dataSource);
00364    if (!nt) {
00365       std::string what("Cannot replace a column of this type in a " + m_type);
00366       throw std::runtime_error(what);
00367    }
00368    nt->replaceColumn(label, array);
00369 }
00371 void
00372 PyDataSource::
00373 replaceColumn ( unsigned int index,
00374                 boost::python::numeric::array array )
00375 {
00376    NumArrayTuple * nt = dynamic_cast<NumArrayTuple *>(m_dataSource);
00377    if (!nt) {
00378       std::string what("Cannot replace a column of this type in a " + m_type);
00379       throw std::runtime_error(what);
00380    }
00381    nt->replaceColumn(index, array);
00382 }
00383 #endif
00385 int PyDataSource::addColumn( const std::string & label,
00386                              const std::vector<double> & col ) {
00387    if (m_type == "NTuple") {
00388       NTuple * nt = dynamic_cast<NTuple *>(m_dataSource);
00389       return nt->addColumn(label, col);
00390    } else if (m_type == "ListTuple") {
00391       ListTuple * nt = dynamic_cast<ListTuple *>(m_dataSource);
00392       boost::python::list seq(col);
00393       return nt->addColumn(label, seq);
00394    } else {
00395       std::string what("Cannot add a column of this type to a " + m_type);
00396       throw std::runtime_error(what);
00397    }
00398    return m_dataSource->columns();
00399 }
00401 #ifdef HAVE_NUMARRAY
00402 int PyDataSource::addColumn( const std::string & label, 
00403                              boost::python::numeric::array array ) {
00404    NumArrayTuple * nt = dynamic_cast<NumArrayTuple *>(m_dataSource);
00405    if (!nt) {
00406       std::string what("Cannot add a column of this type to a " + m_type);
00407       throw std::runtime_error(what);
00408    }
00409    return nt->addColumn(label, array);
00410 }
00411 #endif
00413 void PyDataSource::clear() {
00414    m_dataSource->clear();
00415 }
00417 bool PyDataSource::hasColumn(const std::string & colname) const {
00418    const std::vector<std::string> & names = getLabels();
00419    return std::find(names.begin(), names.end(), colname) != names.end();
00420 }
00422 void PyDataSource::registerNTuple( const std::string & name ) {
00423    m_dataSource->setName(name);
00424    DataSourceController * controller  = DataSourceController::instance();
00425    controller->registerNTuple(name, m_dataSource);
00426 }
00428 std::string PyDataSource::registerNTuple() {
00429    DataSourceController * controller  = DataSourceController::instance();
00430    return controller->registerNTuple(m_dataSource);
00431 }
00433 #ifdef HAVE_NUMARRAY
00434 boost::python::numeric::array
00435 PyDataSource::
00436 columnAsNumArray( const std::string & colname ) const {
00437    if (m_type == "NumArrayTuple") {
00438       NumArrayTuple * nt = dynamic_cast<NumArrayTuple *>(m_dataSource);
00439       return nt->getNumArray(colname);
00440    } 
00441    typedef std::vector<double> vec;
00442    const vec & array = m_dataSource->getColumn(colname);
00443    std::vector<int> shape(1);
00444    shape[0] = array.size();
00445    numeric::array na = num_util::makeNum(&const_cast<vec &>(array)[0], shape);
00446    return na;
00447 }
00448 boost::python::numeric::array
00449 PyDataSource::
00450 columnAsNumArray( unsigned int index ) const {
00451    if ( 0 <= index && index < columns() ) {
00452       if (m_type == "NumArrayTuple") {
00453          NumArrayTuple * nt = dynamic_cast<NumArrayTuple *>(m_dataSource);
00454          return nt->getNumArray(index);
00455       } 
00456       typedef std::vector<double> vec;
00457       const vec & array = m_dataSource->getColumn(index);
00458       std::vector<int> shape(1);
00459       shape[0] = array.size();
00460       numeric::array na = 
00461          num_util::makeNum(&const_cast<vec &>(array)[0], shape);
00462       return na;
00463    } else {
00464       throw StopIteration("index out-of-range");
00465    }
00466 }
00468 namespace {
00469    void extractVector(boost::python::numeric::array array,
00470                       std::vector<double> & col) {
00471       const numeric::array & my_array = array;
00472       int size = num_util::size( my_array );
00473       col.clear();
00474       col.reserve(size);
00475       for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
00476          boost::python::object result = my_array[i];
00477          col.push_back( boost::python::extract<double>(result) );
00478       }
00479    }
00480 }
00482 void PyDataSource::
00483 saveColumnFromNumArray( const std::string & label,
00484                         boost::python::numeric::array array ) {
00485    if (m_type == "NumArrayTuple") {
00486       if (hasColumn(label)) {
00487          replaceColumn(label, array);
00488       } else {
00489          addColumn(label, array);
00490       }
00491       return;
00492    }
00494    if (m_type == "ListTuple") {
00495       boost::python::list seq(array);
00496       ListTuple * nt = dynamic_cast<ListTuple *>(m_dataSource);
00497       if (hasColumn(label)) {
00498          nt->replaceColumn(label, seq);
00499       } else {
00500          nt->addColumn(label, seq);
00501       }
00502       return;
00503    }
00505    std::vector<double> col;
00506    ::extractVector(array, col);
00508    if (m_type == "NTuple") {
00509       NTuple * nt = dynamic_cast<NTuple *>(m_dataSource);
00510       if (hasColumn(label)) {
00511          nt->replaceColumn(label, col);
00512       } else {
00513          nt->addColumn(label, col);
00514       }
00515       return;
00516    }
00518 #ifdef HAVE_CFITSIO
00519    FitsNTuple * fnt = dynamic_cast < FitsNTuple * > ( m_dataSource );
00520    if ( fnt != 0 ) {
00521      if ( hasColumn ( label ) ) {
00522        fnt -> replaceColumn ( label, col );
00523      } else {
00524        fnt -> addColumn ( label, col );
00525      }
00526      return;
00527    }
00528 #endif
00530 #ifdef HAVE_ROOT
00531    QtRootNTuple * rnt = dynamic_cast < QtRootNTuple * > ( m_dataSource );
00532    if ( rnt != 0 ) {
00533      if ( hasColumn ( label ) ) {
00534        rnt -> replaceColumn ( label, col );
00535      } else {
00536        rnt -> addColumn ( label, col );
00537      }
00538      return;
00539    }
00540 #endif
00542    throw std::runtime_error("__setitem__ not supported for " + m_type);
00543 }
00545 void PyDataSource::
00546 saveColumnFromNumArray( unsigned int index,
00547                         boost::python::numeric::array array ) {
00548    if (0 <= index && index < columns()) {
00549       if (m_type == "NumArrayTuple") {
00550          replaceColumn(index, array);
00551       } else if (m_type == "NTuple") {
00552          std::vector<double> col;
00553          ::extractVector(array, col);
00554          NTuple * nt = dynamic_cast<NTuple *>(m_dataSource);
00555          nt->replaceColumn(index, col);
00556       } else if (m_type == "ListTuple") {
00557          boost::python::list seq(array);
00558          ListTuple * nt = dynamic_cast<ListTuple *>(m_dataSource);
00559          nt->replaceColumn(index, seq);
00560       } else {
00561          throw std::runtime_error
00562             ("__setitem__ by index is not supported for " + m_type);
00563       }
00564    } else {
00565       std::ostringstream what;
00566       what << "Invalid column index: " << index;
00567       throw std::runtime_error(what.str());
00568    }
00569 }
00570 #endif // HAVE_NUMARRAY

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