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List of User Requested Features

Class AxisModelLinear
On log scale, the labels should be 10^1, 10^2, etc.

Class AxisRepBase
Let user draw border in different color.

Class AxisRepColor
Show grid lines optionally and have user setable points for the grids.

Class AxisTick
It would be nice to be able to change the style, including labels of axis tick -- Jim Panetta.

Member ProjectorBase::getRMS (hippodraw::Axes::Type axis)
Can do better than use only the projected values in some derived classes.

Class Bins1DBase
Need feature to rebin those consecutive bins whose number of entries fall below some threshold.

Class Bins1DHist
Should use BinnerAxis::getCoordinate() and have asymmetric errors.

Class BoxTextRep
Be able to edit the text.

Member FunctionBase::integrate (double lower_limit, double upper_limit) const
Override this method in derived classes when calculation of integral can be done analyically.

Class CanvasView
Coordinates should show when mouse is over plot.

Class CanvasView
Need remove empty pages menu item.

Member CanvasView::saveAs (const std::string &filename) const
Raise error dialog if saving to file was not successful.

Class CanvasWindow
@ Be able to retrieve from SIP Python module, information on the active displays such as axis labels, etc.

Class CanvasWindow
Have a editable NTuple table view.

Class CanvasWindow
@ Be able to group canvas items together and set parameters to all of them at once.

Class CanvasWindow
@ Open documents read only.

Class CanvasWindow
@ Have CanvasWindow size a setting.

Class CanvasWindow
A clear all button on the tool bar.

Class CanvasWindow
A setting on whether to prompt user or not for clear all.

Member CanvasWindow::saveAllAs (const std::string &filename)
Raise error dialog if saving doesn't work.

Class ColumnPointRep
Needs version which draws histogram on its side.

Class CompositePlotter
When 2 and only 2 DataRep objects are stacked, use right Y axis to show scale.

Class CompositePlotter
Allow DataRep to be hidden.

Class CutPlotter
Be able to display number of points passing cut.

Class CutPlotter
Need examples of apply cuts via a script.

Class CutPlotter
Need documentation to say one cut can have multiple targets and one plot can have multiple cuts.

Class CutPlotter
Main page should point user to Related Pages.

Class DataRep
Be able to take difference between two data reps and plot it.

Class DataRep
Be able to do Lego plots.

Class DyHistogram
@ Show under flow and overflow for histograms.

Class FigureEditor
Move any attached text displays along with moved plotter display.

Class FigureEditor
For plots using pixmap, do not draw plot when resizing until mouse is release.

Member FunctionBase::FunctionBase (const FunctionBase &)
Remove this copy constructor, it was only tempoary to try to fix cloning functions written in Python with SIP.

Class FunctionController
Be able to display function without attaching it to DataRep.

Member FunctionController::saveParameters (PlotterBase *plotter)
Should save parameters in a stack, so that more than one set can be saved and restored.

Class FunctionFactory
Be able to add new functions from a shared library.

Class HammerAito
Cross hairs could follow the transform.

Class HippoRectangle
Should put in namespace to avoid conflict with Rectangle under Windows.

Class Hist2DProjImp
Be able to convert 2D histogram into fITS image file.

Class Inspector
@@ In zoom/pan mode, still should show high and low of range.

Class Inspector
@@ Set to likelihood fitter when statistics of bins go below some threshold.

Class Inspector
@@ Warn user that some bins have zero data and thus will not be included in the fit.

Class Inspector
@ Display objective value to the functions tabbed panel.

Class Inspector
Change cut range by direct manipulation of cut on its display.

Class Inspector
In the Data tabbed panel, need way to see the full path name of the NTuple files.

Class Inspector
In functions tabbed panel, add check box to use errors on data points or not.

Class Inspector
In status tabbed panel, when no plot is selected should still be able to add text box.

Class Inspector
In the stats summary panel, the description should match the type used by the factory.

Member Inspector::updateCutEnableButton ()
This method seems to get called more than once when adding a cut.

Class Lambert
Cross hairs don't draw correctly on this plot.

Class LMFitter
Make the fit() method a member function of the DataRep instead of the function in the Python interface.

Class Map1Projector
Optionally, an additional column can be mapped to Y error bars.

Member MapMatrixProjector::m_null_value
Allow user to set and get this value.

Class MinuitMigrad
Add support for using Minos to get asymmetric errors.

Class NTuple
@ Besides interval count, need interval timer.

Member NTupleFCN::calcAlphaBeta (std::vector< std::vector< double > > &alpha, std::vector< double > &beta)
Find out what these really are and document them.

Member NTupleController::readAsciiNTuple (NTuple *ntuple, const std::string &filename)
If the label for a column is very long, then it is probably an error in the file format.

Member NTupleController::readAsciiNTuple (NTuple *ntuple, const std::string &filename)
If line of labels contains no tabs at all, then should probably assume that any white space separates the labels.

Member NTupleController::readAsciiNTuple (NTuple *ntuple, const std::string &filename)
If bad format detected, try to say what was bad.

Member NTupleController::readAsciiNTuple (NTuple *ntuple, const std::string &filename)
If first line does not contain alpha character, then could set title to "none".

Member NTupleController::readAsciiNTuple (NTuple *ntuple, const std::string &filename)
If second line only numbers, then could set labels to a, b, c,.

Class NTupleXML
Need to save shape of NTuple in order to implement saving St2DHistogram.

Class PlotTable
Display TextRep in more friendly way.

Class PlotterBase
@ Ric reports that the axis labels are hard to read.

Class PlotterBase
@@ Less white space between plots.

Class PlotterBase
Make title of plot optional and not the default.

Member PlotterBase::addDataRep (DataRep *rep)
When adding a DataRep, the caller could do a number of things before calling this method.

Class Profile2D
@ Implement a static version and expose to Python via SIP.

Member Profile2DProjector::execute ()
Support averaging with a weight.

Class ProfileHist
@ Implement static version.

Class PyCanvas
Be able to retrieve, from Python, information on active displays on the canvas such as a display identifier, axis labels, etc .

Class PyFunctionRep
@@ Return covariance matrix.

Member QtApp::setFirstWindow ()
@ Should also be able to open ROOT and FITS files.

Member QtDisplay::setColorMap (const std::string &name)
Expose the BinToColorFactory to Python so user can see the choice of names.

Member QtDisplay::setTransform (const std::string &name)
Expose to Python the list of available transforms.

Member QtDisplay::createDisplay (const std::string &type, const DataSource &nt, const std::vector< std::string > &bindings)
Expose to Python the names of the available displays.

Class RootController
Read TH1 and TH2 histograms in ROOT file and convert to corresponding static histograms.

Class RootController
Read TH1 and TH2 histograms in ROOT file and convert to corresponding static histograms.

Class SymbolPointRep
Could add diamond.

Class TextDataRep
@ The TextDataRep view should always be locked to it's target.

Class ViewBase
Also being able to capture these values for input to the range widgets (e.g.

Member WindowController::s_version
@ Windows only, Need to get the version number insto the Windows installer file.

Member hippodraw::Python::export_NTupleController ()
Provide interface to DataSourceController.

Namespace hippodraw::Python
Make it possible to disable the build of the Boost.Python module with configure.

Namespace hippodraw::Python
A suggestion in C++sig Python mailing list suggests putting things in anonymous name space so as to expose less symbols to linker and therefore speeding up linking and loading time.

Namespace hippodraw::Python
On Mac OS X, get lots of warning messages about use of long double, must have a gcc flag to fix that.

Page Installation
configure script should set the Qt version number in the sip/Makefile.

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