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Inspector Class Reference

#include <Inspector.h>

Inheritance diagram for Inspector:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Inspector:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

A derived class of InspectorBase class which is generated by the Qt designer.

It provides an Inspector it provides methods specific to the Qt implementation of the HippoDraw application.

@@@ On plot tabbed panel, when function is selected, can not change style or color of function.

@@ On axis tabbed panel, zoom pan doesn't work for static histograms.

@@ When changing DataSource on multiple plots, and some could not be changed, one gets no warning.

@ In Stats tabbed panel, the STD button is disabled.

@ GUI On the Axis tabbed panel, the low and high sliders have large slider handle rectangle than the width and offset ones.

@ On Axis tabbed panel, zoom/pan should be disabled on Z axis.

@@ On cuts tabbed panel, switching to zoom pan doesn't work if one end of cut range is at full range.

@@@ On the Axis tabbed panel, when in zoom / pan mode, the position slider is hard to control when X axis is in log scale.

In the data tabbed panel, the lower box gets updated when update arrives, even when nothing has changed.

In Data tabbed panel, the title doesn't get set if there are multiple data reps on plot.
Probably should take title of first one. What if the data reps comes from two different data sources, then what title is used?

Get assertion if remove function while chi-square or function parameters are being displayed.

In stats tabbed panel, the error contour is enabled when no plots are selected.

The new/edit custom color transform is not disabled value to color combo box is disabled.

The Y value is broken.

For a XY plot with Y error, try setting on and off the X error.
Seem to lose the Y error bars.

When Minuit fails to converge, we don't get notification.

@@ In zoom/pan mode, still should show high and low of range.

@@ Set to likelihood fitter when statistics of bins go below some threshold.

@@ Warn user that some bins have zero data and thus will not be included in the fit.

@ Display objective value to the functions tabbed panel.

Change cut range by direct manipulation of cut on its display.

In the Data tabbed panel, need way to see the full path name of the NTuple files.

In functions tabbed panel, add check box to use errors on data points or not.

In status tabbed panel, when no plot is selected should still be able to add text box.

In Stats tabbed panel, should add a feature of a composite text rep that combines the single TextRep objects into a composite.

When the size of the labels of the function parameters changes, the sliders change as well.
GUI bug. low priority to fix.

In cuts tabbed panel, the upper box gets updated when cut range changed even when it hasn't changed.

In the stats summary panel, the description should match the type used by the factory.

Replace the ComboBox objects in the Cut inspector with lists.
Then the user can see in one glance all the cuts on a plot. There usually will not be that many of them.

For check boxes, should use clicked signal instead of toggled so that the check box can be set to a value without emitting a signal.

On the Cuts tabbed pane, does the Replace button make sense.
What if selected plot has multiple cuts, which one to replace.

@ Have inspector notice that NTuples have been added via the Python interface without having to click on the canvas.

On the Inspector data tabbed panel, should leave the four binding options on all the time and disable the ones that are not used.
This way there would be less flicker.

In Inspector stats tabbed panel, add average Z if plot has Z axis.

In implementation, remove all remaining places, if any, where m_functionRep could be used instead of researching for the displayed function.

Kaustuv <>

Paul F. Kunz <>

Sanket B. Malde <>

Joy Rajiv <>

Definition at line 166 of file Inspector.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual void allCutsRadioButton_toggled (bool selected)
virtual void customEvent (QCustomEvent *event)
 The method to receive update events from the application queue.
void enableNewPlotBox (bool yes=true)
 Enables the new plot box.
virtual PlotterBasegetSelectedCut ()
std::string getSelectedDataSourceName () const
 Returns the name of the currently selected DataSource in Data tabbed panel.
 Inspector (QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, bool modal=false, Qt::WFlags flags=0)
 The constructor.
virtual void selectedCutsRadioButton_toggled (bool selected)
virtual void statsButtonGroupClicked (int)
virtual void update ()
 The Update Method.
virtual void updateSummaryTab ()
 Updates the Stats tabbed panel's widgets.
virtual ~Inspector ()
 The virtual destructor.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void addDataRepButton_clicked ()
 Responds to click on the add Data Rep button.
virtual void allNtupleComboActivated (const QString &)
virtual void autoScale_clicked ()
 Slot which responds to the toggle in state of the autoScale check box.
virtual void availPlotTypesActivated (const QString &)
virtual void axisLabelChanged (int index, const QString &axisName)
 Responds to change in axis binding on existing plotter.
virtual void axisLabelText ()
 Responds to return in axis label text box.
virtual void axisZoomPanCheckBox_clicked ()
 Responds to change in zoom/pan check box.
virtual void colorSelect_2_clicked ()
 Sets the Color of the cut plotter.
virtual void colorSelect_clicked ()
virtual void comboBoxEllipsoidParamXHighlighted (int)
 The slot that recieves the signal when ComboBoxEllipsoidParamX (which is in the Confidence ellipsoid Group Box) is highlighted.
virtual void comboBoxEllipsoidParamYHighlighted (int)
 The slot that recieves the signal when ComboBoxEllipsoidParamY (which is in the Confidence ellipsoid Group Box) is highlighted.
void contourError ()
 Raises message box on contour input error.
virtual void contourLevelsTextBox_returnPressed ()
 Responds to change in contour levels text box.
virtual void contourRadioButton1_toggled (bool)
 Responds to change in 1st contour radio button.
virtual void contourSlider_valueChanged (int val)
virtual void contourTextBox_returnPressed ()
virtual const std::string convertToString (hippodraw::Axes::Type)
virtual void createResiduals ()
 Creates a display showing the residuals of the function.
virtual void cutAddAll ()
 Adds all the cuts to the DataRep.
virtual void cutAddSelected ()
 Adds selected cut to the DataRep.
virtual void cutEnablePushButton_toggled (bool on)
 Responds to the cut enable push button.
virtual void cutHighSlider_sliderMoved (int value)
virtual void cutHighSlider_sliderReleased ()
virtual void cutInvertPushButton_clicked ()
virtual void cutLowSlider_sliderMoved (int value)
virtual void cutLowSlider_sliderReleased ()
virtual void cutNew ()
virtual void cutRemovePushButton_clicked ()
 Responds to the button that removes a cut.
virtual void cutText_returnPressed ()
 Responds to entry in one of the cut text fields.
virtual void cutZoomPanCheckBox_clicked ()
virtual void dataCreateNTuple ()
virtual void dataNTupleSelChanged (int item)
virtual void dataTupleNameChanged (const QString &)
virtual void deleteColorModel ()
 Deletes an existing Value to Color Model.
virtual void editColorModel ()
 Brings up dialog to edit an existing Value to Color model.
void editLabelFontClicked ()
 Edit label font, ( if user wants to overwrite he default ).
void editTitleFontClicked ()
 Edit the title font, ( if user wants to overwrite he default ).
virtual void fitterNamesActivated (int)
virtual void functionAdd ()
virtual void functionParamsCheckBoxToggled (bool)
 Slot which recieves the signal if state of the checkbox changes in the the function Params tab.
virtual void functionParamsLineEditReturnPressed ()
 Slot which recieves the signal if enter is pressed in the line edit in the the function Params tab.
virtual void functionParamsListViewCurrentChanged (QListViewItem *)
 Slot which recieves the signal if Current item changes in the List View of the function Params.
virtual void functionParamsSliderSliderMoved (int)
 Slot which alters the parameter values as the function Params slider is moved.
virtual void functionParamsSliderSliderPressed ()
virtual void functionParamsSliderSliderReleased ()
 Slot which set the slider to mid point after it has been release.
virtual void functionsFitToDataButton_clicked ()
 Fits the selected function to the data.
virtual void functionsRemoveButton_clicked ()
 Removing the selected function and updating appropriate tabbed panels.
virtual void functionsResetButton_clicked ()
 Reset the function parameters from the parameters saved before the last fit.
std::string getArrayTupleLabel (const DataSource *rtuple, const std::string &column)
 In case we are dealing with multidimensional data in rows of this column in the given DataSource we would like to deal with on one entry of this multidimensional data.
virtual PlotterBasegetPlotter ()
virtual void highRangeDrag ()
virtual void intervalStateChanged (bool state)
virtual void intervalTextChanged (const QString &)
virtual void lineStyleButtonGroup_clicked (int id)
virtual void logScale_clicked ()
 The Qt slot which responds to the toggle in state of the logScale checkbox.
virtual void lowRangeDrag ()
virtual void newColorModel ()
 Brings up dialog to create a new Value to Color model.
virtual void newPlotButton_clicked ()
virtual void offsetDrag ()
virtual void on_axis_button_group_clicked (int id)
 Responds to change in axis tabbed panel's axis radio button group.
virtual void on_cut_button_group_clicked (int id)
 Responds to change of the cut panel's radio group.
virtual void pointRepComboBox_activated (const QString &qstr)
virtual void pushButtonNewErrorPlotClicked ()
 The slot that recieves the signal when the PushButtonNewErrorPlot is clicked.
virtual void resetSlider ()
 Resets sliders to default position.
virtual void selCutChanged ()
virtual void setBinWidth (int value, bool drag)
 Sets the bin width and the slider dragging flag.
virtual void setBinWidth (int value)
virtual void setDragOn ()
 Called when any slider is pressed.
virtual void setHighRange (int value, bool yes)
 Sets the high range and the slider dragging flag.
virtual void setHighRange (int value)
virtual void setHighText ()
virtual void setLowRange (int value, bool yes)
 Sets the low range and slider dragging flag.
virtual void setLowRange (int value)
virtual void setLowText ()
virtual void setOffset (int value, bool yes)
 sets the bin offset and the slider dragging flag.
virtual void setOffset (int value)
virtual void setOffsetText ()
 Responds to return in bin offset text field.
virtual void setParameters (int, PlotterBase *)
virtual void setWidthText ()
 Responds to return in bin width text field.
virtual void sliderChanged (int)
 Responds to change in the sliders.
virtual void summaryNew ()
virtual void symbolPointSize_returnPressed ()
virtual void symbolTypeButtonGroup_clicked (int id)
virtual void tabChanged ()
 Receives the signal that the tabbed panel changed and invokes the update method.
virtual void titleText_returnPressed ()
 Responds to title text return.
virtual void updateAxisTab ()
 Updates the axis tabbed panel's widgets.
virtual void updateCutsTab ()
 Updates the cut tabbed panel's widgets' state and values.
virtual void updateDataCutsTab ()
 Updates the cut tabbed panel when in data cut mode.
virtual void updateDataTab ()
virtual void updateFitCutsTab ()
 Update the cut tabbed panel when in fit cut mode.
virtual void updateFunctionsTab ()
 Updates the functions tabbed panel's widgets.
virtual void updatePlotTypes ()
 Updates the available plot types combo box.
virtual void valueChanged (int)
 Responds to change of the value to color combo box.
virtual void widthDrag ()

Static Protected Attributes

static QString s_app_key
 The QSettings application key for searching for setting.
static QString s_registry
 The QSettings Windows registry key.

Private Types

typedef std::vector< PlotterBase * > PlotterList_t
 The type of container for PlotterBase objects.
typedef std::vector< const
TupleCut * > 
 The type of container for current TupleCut objects.

Private Member Functions

void changeNTupleName (const QString &)
 Changes the name NTuple.
void clearNewBindings ()
 Clears the combo boxes associated with new plot bindings.
void dataClearSelectedControls ()
 Clears the previous binding controls.
void disableCutControls (bool yes)
 Disables all the control widgets for a cut.
virtual void errorBars_toggled (bool)
 Responds to error bars check box.
void fillCutsOn (const PlotterBase *, std::vector< PlotterBase * > &cut_list)
 Clears and fills the cut_list with PlotterBase objects that are cuts whose target is the active DataRep contained by plotter.
void fillPlotterList (std::vector< PlotterBase * > &plot_list)
 Clears and Fills plot_list with the PlotterBase objects on the current canvas.
int findCutIndex (const QString &label)
 Returns the index of the cut selections with label label.
void functionAddError ()
 Raises a function add error QMessageBox when the selected DataRep does not support the selected function.
hippodraw::Axes::Type getAxes (unsigned int index)
 Returns the Axes::Type for the TupleCut at index i.
const std::vector< const TupleCut * > & getCutList (const PlotterBase *plotter) const
 Returns the TupleCut list.
const std::vector< PlotterBase * > & getDataCutList (PlotterBase *plotter)
 Returns the list of data cut plotter objects that target plotter.
void incompatibleDataRepError (const std::string &type)
 Raises incompatible DataRep error dialog.
void incompatibleFitterError (const std::string &type)
 Raises incompatible Fitter error dialog.
void incompatibleFunctionError (const std::string &type)
 Raises the incompatible function error dialog.
void init ()
 Initializes the Inspector.
void invalidDataWarning ()
 Raises a dialog to warn user that bound DataSource has invalid data.
void invalidRangeError (const std::string &bad)
 Raises invalid range error dialog.
void loadAllUsrModels ()
void multipleDataRepError (const std::string &type)
 Raises an multiple DataRep error QMessageBox.
void multiplePlotError ()
 Raises a multiple plot error message box.
void newPlotError (const DataSourceException &e)
 Raises a dialog for new plot error.
void noNTupleSelectedError ()
 Raises no NTuple selected error dialog.
virtual void ntupleChanged (int)
 Responds to combo box that shows the NTuple name of the selected plot.
virtual void on_sel_combo_0_activated (const QString &)
 Responds to combo box of selected plot be activated by changing the binding.
virtual void on_sel_combo_1_activated (const QString &)
 Responds to combo box of selected plot be activated by changing the binding.
virtual void on_sel_combo_2_activated (const QString &)
 Responds to combo box of selected plot be activated by changing the binding.
virtual void on_sel_combo_3_activated (const QString &)
 Responds to combo box of selected plot be activated by changing the binding.
void setAllCutsActive (bool yes)
 Sets all CutPlotter objects to active state if yes is true, otherwise sets them inactive.
void setNewPlotNTuple (const std::string &name)
 Sets the current item in the available NTuple selection box to one that matches name.
virtual void setZRadioButton (bool enabled)
 Sets the Z axis radio button to proper state.
void statsStripValue (QRadioButton *box)
 Strips the value part of the text field.
void updateAutoScaleBox ()
 Update the status of the auto scale check box.
void updateCutControls (const std::vector< PlotterBase * > &cutlist)
 Updates the Cut controls in the Cut tabbed panel.
void updateCutControlValues (const PlotterBase *cutplotter)
 Updates the Cut control values with those of the designated cut Plotter.
void updateCutEnableButton ()
 Updates the cut enabled push button control.
void updateCutsActive ()
void updateCutVarGroupBox (const PlotterBase *plotter, int index)
 Updates the QGroupBox that displays to controller for creating a new cut.
virtual void updateErrorEllipseTab ()
 Updates the error Ellipse controls.
void updateLogBox ()
 Update the status of the log scale check box.
void updateNewPlotControls ()
 Updates the controls in the new plot group box.
virtual void updatePlotTab ()
 Updates the Plot tabbed panel's widgets.
void updateSelectedPlotData (const PlotterBase *plotter)
 Updates the controls in the selected plot QGroupBox of the data inspector.
void updateSelectedPlotDataSource (const std::string &name)
 Updates the selected plot data source combo box.
void updateSelectedPlotType (const PlotterBase *plotter)
 Updates the selected plot DataRep type.
void updateTupleCuts (const std::vector< PlotterBase * > &cutlist)
 Updates the list of TupleCut objects and their corresponding Plotter.

Private Attributes

std::vector< double > brk_points
 User defined model parameter.
std::vector< double > color_scales
 User defined model parameter.
std::vector< double > flat_widths
 User defined model parameter.
hippodraw::Axes::Type m_axis
bool m_cut_enable_updating
 Set to true when cutEnablePushButton is being updated.
std::map< PlotterBase *, int > m_cut_map
 A map of the last cut item selected for each plotter.
bool m_dragging
std::vector< int > m_functionIndexMap
 The currently displayed FunctionRep.
int m_highslider1_last_val
 The value of the high slider in Axis Widget 1 as last recorded.
bool m_is_updating
 Set to true if updating is being processed.
int m_last_cut_index
 The index of the last selected cut.
int m_last_ntuple_edited
 The m_all_ntuples item that was lasted edited.
int m_lowslider1_last_val
 The value of the low slider in Axis Widget 1 as last recorded.
std::vector< QComboBox * > m_new_combos
 Binding combo boxes for new plot group box.
std::vector< QLabel * > m_new_labels
 Binding labels for new plot group box.
std::vector< double > m_oldParameters
 The currently selected PlotterBase object.
std::vector< PlotterBase * > m_plotter_list
 The currently selected plotters.
Range m_range
std::vector< QComboBox * > m_sel_combos
 Binding combo boxes for selected plot group box.
std::vector< QLabel * > m_sel_labels
 Binding labels for selected plot group box.
PlotterList_t m_tuple_cut_plotters
 The PlotterBase object associated with each TupleCut object.
TupleCutList_t m_tuple_cuts
 The list of TupleCut objects currently selected.
std::map< const PlotterBase *,
bool > 
std::vector< std::stringusr_models
 User defined model name.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector< PlotterBase * > Inspector::PlotterList_t [private]

The type of container for PlotterBase objects.

Definition at line 235 of file Inspector.h.

typedef std::vector< const TupleCut * > Inspector::TupleCutList_t [private]

The type of container for current TupleCut objects.

Definition at line 227 of file Inspector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Inspector::Inspector QWidget parent = 0,
const char *  name = 0,
bool  modal = false,
Qt::WFlags  flags = 0

The constructor.

Definition at line 115 of file Inspector.cxx.

References axisZoomPanCheckBox_clicked(), cutHighSlider_sliderMoved(), cutHighSlider_sliderReleased(), cutLowSlider_sliderMoved(), cutLowSlider_sliderReleased(), cutText_returnPressed(), cutZoomPanCheckBox_clicked(), highRangeDrag(), init(), FunctionController::instance(), lowRangeDrag(), m_highslider1_last_val, m_lowslider1_last_val, m_plotter, setDragOn(), setHighRange(), setHighText(), setLowRange(), setLowText(), updatePlotTypes(), and ~Inspector().

Inspector::~Inspector  )  [virtual]

The virtual destructor.

Definition at line 199 of file Inspector.cxx.

Referenced by Inspector().

Member Function Documentation

void Inspector::addDataRepButton_clicked  )  [protected, virtual]

Responds to click on the add Data Rep button.

Definition at line 1157 of file Inspector.cxx.

References std::count(), getArrayTupleLabel(), getPlotter(), incompatibleDataRepError(), DisplayController::instance(), RootController::instance(), DataSourceController::instance(), invalidDataWarning(), QString::latin1(), m_new_combos, and update().

void Inspector::allCutsRadioButton_toggled bool  selected  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 2578 of file Inspector.cxx.

References disableCutControls(), getDataCutList(), getPlotter(), updateCutControls(), and updateCutControlValues().

Referenced by cutNew(), and updateCutsTab().

void Inspector::allNtupleComboActivated const QString  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 504 of file Inspector.cxx.

References availPlotTypesActivated(), changeNTupleName(), and m_last_ntuple_edited.

void Inspector::autoScale_clicked  )  [protected, virtual]

Slot which responds to the toggle in state of the autoScale check box.

Definition at line 4144 of file Inspector.cxx.

References PlotterBase::getTransform(), m_axis, m_plotter_list, PeriodicBinaryTransform::setXOffset(), PeriodicBinaryTransform::setYOffset(), and updateAxisTab().

Referenced by setDragOn().

void Inspector::availPlotTypesActivated const QString  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 610 of file Inspector.cxx.

References clearNewBindings(), DataSource::getLabels(), QWidget::hide(), DisplayController::instance(), DataSourceController::instance(), m_new_combos, m_new_labels, m_newLayoutWidget, and num_util::size().

Referenced by allNtupleComboActivated(), dataNTupleSelChanged(), and updateNewPlotControls().

void Inspector::axisLabelChanged int  index,
const QString axisName
[protected, virtual]

Responds to change in axis binding on existing plotter.

Definition at line 547 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), DisplayController::instance(), invalidDataWarning(), QString::latin1(), m_plotter_list, m_sel_labels, and multiplePlotError().

Referenced by on_sel_combo_0_activated(), on_sel_combo_1_activated(), on_sel_combo_2_activated(), and on_sel_combo_3_activated().

void Inspector::axisLabelText  )  [protected, virtual]

Responds to return in axis label text box.

Definition at line 2022 of file Inspector.cxx.

References convertToString(), getPlotter(), QString::latin1(), and m_axis.

void Inspector::axisZoomPanCheckBox_clicked  )  [protected, virtual]

Responds to change in zoom/pan check box.

Definition at line 1855 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), PlotterBase::getRange(), m_axis, m_zoompan, and PlotterBase::setAutoRanging().

Referenced by Inspector().

void Inspector::changeNTupleName const QString  )  [private]

Changes the name NTuple.

Changes the name of a NTuple object to new_name. The NTuple whose names get changed is the one whose name was last edited in the m_all_ntuples QComboBox. It was save in m_last_ntuple_edited.

Definition at line 480 of file Inspector.cxx.

References DataSourceController::instance(), QString::latin1(), and m_last_ntuple_edited.

Referenced by allNtupleComboActivated().

void Inspector::clearNewBindings  )  [private]

Clears the combo boxes associated with new plot bindings.

Definition at line 596 of file Inspector.cxx.

References m_new_combos, m_new_labels, and num_util::size().

Referenced by availPlotTypesActivated().

void Inspector::colorSelect_2_clicked  )  [protected, virtual]

Sets the Color of the cut plotter.

Definition at line 4291 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QColor::blue(), Color::getBlue(), QColorDialog::getColor(), Color::getGreen(), Color::getRed(), getSelectedCut(), QColor::green(), QColor::isValid(), and QColor::red().

void Inspector::colorSelect_clicked  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1796 of file Inspector.cxx.

References PlotterBase::activePlotIndex(), QColor::blue(), Color::getBlue(), QColorDialog::getColor(), Color::getGreen(), getPlotter(), Color::getRed(), QColor::green(), QColor::isValid(), multipleDataRepError(), QColor::red(), PlotterBase::repColor(), and PlotterBase::setRepColor().

void Inspector::comboBoxEllipsoidParamXHighlighted int  index  )  [protected, virtual]

The slot that recieves the signal when ComboBoxEllipsoidParamX (which is in the Confidence ellipsoid Group Box) is highlighted.

It sets the paramter along the Y axis against which the confidence ellipsoid is to be plotted

Definition at line 3630 of file Inspector.cxx.

References FunctionController::instance(), and hippodraw::Axes::X.

void Inspector::comboBoxEllipsoidParamYHighlighted int  index  )  [protected, virtual]

The slot that recieves the signal when ComboBoxEllipsoidParamY (which is in the Confidence ellipsoid Group Box) is highlighted.

It sets the paramter along the Y axis against which the confidence ellipsoid is to be plotted

Definition at line 3640 of file Inspector.cxx.

References FunctionController::instance(), and hippodraw::Axes::Y.

void Inspector::contourError  )  [protected]

Raises message box on contour input error.

Definition at line 4412 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QMessageBox::critical().

Referenced by contourLevelsTextBox_returnPressed().

void Inspector::contourLevelsTextBox_returnPressed  )  [protected, virtual]

Responds to change in contour levels text box.

Definition at line 4428 of file Inspector.cxx.

References DisplayController::activeDataRepIndex(), contourError(), PlotterBase::getDataRep(), getPlotter(), DataRep::getProjector(), DataRep::getRepresentation(), DisplayController::instance(), QString::isEmpty(), Observable::notifyObservers(), ContourPointRep::setContourValues(), QString::simplifyWhiteSpace(), and QString::toDouble().

Referenced by contourRadioButton1_toggled().

void Inspector::contourRadioButton1_toggled bool   )  [protected, virtual]

Responds to change in 1st contour radio button.

Definition at line 4369 of file Inspector.cxx.

References contourLevelsTextBox_returnPressed(), contourSlider_valueChanged(), ContourPointRep::getNumContours(), getPlotter(), and DataRep::getRepresentation().

Referenced by updateAxisTab().

void Inspector::contourSlider_valueChanged int  val  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 4311 of file Inspector.cxx.

References DisplayController::activeDataRepIndex(), PlotterBase::getDataRep(), getPlotter(), DataRep::getRepresentation(), DisplayController::instance(), Observable::notifyObservers(), ContourPointRep::setNumContours(), and ContourPointRep::setUsingUserValues().

Referenced by contourRadioButton1_toggled().

void Inspector::contourTextBox_returnPressed  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 4335 of file Inspector.cxx.

References DisplayController::activeDataRepIndex(), PlotterBase::getDataRep(), ContourPointRep::getNumContours(), getPlotter(), DataRep::getRepresentation(), DisplayController::instance(), Observable::notifyObservers(), ContourPointRep::setNumContours(), ContourPointRep::setUsingUserValues(), and QString::toInt().

const std::string Inspector::convertToString hippodraw::Axes::Type   )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 3724 of file Inspector.cxx.

References m_axis, hippodraw::Axes::X, hippodraw::Axes::Y, and hippodraw::Axes::Z.

Referenced by axisLabelText(), setBinWidth(), setHighRange(), setLowRange(), setOffset(), and updateAxisTab().

void Inspector::createResiduals  )  [protected, virtual]

Creates a display showing the residuals of the function.

Definition at line 3611 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), WindowController::instance(), FunctionController::instance(), and hippodraw::Axes::X.

void Inspector::customEvent QCustomEvent event  )  [virtual]

The method to receive update events from the application queue.

The event object's data should contain a pointer to a PlotterBase object. This object's properties will be use to update the Inspector's tabbed panels and will be the target for its controls.

Definition at line 280 of file Inspector.cxx.

References m_plotter, m_plotter_list, and update().

void Inspector::cutAddAll  )  [protected, virtual]

Adds all the cuts to the DataRep.

Definition at line 2536 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getDataCutList(), getPlotter(), CutController::instance(), and num_util::size().

void Inspector::cutAddSelected  )  [protected, virtual]

Adds selected cut to the DataRep.

Definition at line 2515 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), getSelectedCut(), and CutController::instance().

void Inspector::cutEnablePushButton_toggled bool  on  )  [protected, virtual]

Responds to the cut enable push button.

Definition at line 4271 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getSelectedCut(), and m_cut_enable_updating.

void Inspector::cutHighSlider_sliderMoved int  value  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 4165 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getAxes(), getSelectedCut(), m_is_updating, m_tuple_cuts, and hippodraw::Axes::X.

Referenced by Inspector().

void Inspector::cutHighSlider_sliderReleased  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 4219 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getAxes(), PlotterBase::getRange(), and getSelectedCut().

Referenced by Inspector().

void Inspector::cutInvertPushButton_clicked  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 4251 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getSelectedCut(), and m_tuple_cuts.

void Inspector::cutLowSlider_sliderMoved int  value  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 4187 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getAxes(), getSelectedCut(), m_is_updating, m_tuple_cuts, and hippodraw::Axes::X.

Referenced by Inspector().

void Inspector::cutLowSlider_sliderReleased  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 4209 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getAxes(), PlotterBase::getRange(), and getSelectedCut().

Referenced by Inspector().

void Inspector::cutNew  )  [protected, virtual]

@@ Entering values for Low or High cut values in the text window does not behave properly.
The value I enter will be replaced by some other value once I hit return. This behavior is not consistent as sometimes the value I enter will be accepted.

Definition at line 2661 of file Inspector.cxx.

References DisplayController::activeDataRepIndex(), allCutsRadioButton_toggled(), WindowController::currentCanvas(), getPlotter(), QMessageBox::information(), CutController::instance(), WindowController::instance(), FunctionController::instance(), DisplayController::instance(), QString::latin1(), multipleDataRepError(), selectedCutsRadioButton_toggled(), and hippodraw::Axes::X.

void Inspector::cutRemovePushButton_clicked  )  [protected, virtual]

Responds to the button that removes a cut.

Definition at line 2552 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), getSelectedCut(), CutController::instance(), and QApplication::postEvent().

void Inspector::cutText_returnPressed  )  [protected, virtual]

Responds to entry in one of the cut text fields.

Definition at line 2245 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getAxes(), getSelectedCut(), m_is_updating, m_tuple_cuts, PlotterBase::setCutRangeAt(), and hippodraw::Axes::X.

Referenced by Inspector().

void Inspector::cutZoomPanCheckBox_clicked  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 4229 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getAxes(), getSelectedCut(), CutController::instance(), m_tuple_cuts, and hippodraw::Axes::X.

Referenced by Inspector().

void Inspector::dataClearSelectedControls  )  [private]

Clears the previous binding controls.

Definition at line 750 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QLayoutIterator::current(), QLayoutIterator::deleteCurrent(), m_vLayout, and QLayoutItem::widget().

Referenced by updateDataTab().

void Inspector::dataCreateNTuple  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1212 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), DisplayController::instance(), and update().

void Inspector::dataNTupleSelChanged int  item  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 494 of file Inspector.cxx.

References availPlotTypesActivated().

void Inspector::dataTupleNameChanged const QString  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 473 of file Inspector.cxx.

References m_last_ntuple_edited.

void Inspector::deleteColorModel  )  [protected, virtual]

Deletes an existing Value to Color Model.

Definition at line 1632 of file Inspector.cxx.

References std::count(), QSettings::insertSearchPath(), loadAllUsrModels(), QString::number(), QSettings::readDoubleEntry(), QSettings::readEntry(), QSettings::removeEntry(), s_app_key, s_registry, usr_models, and QSettings::writeEntry().

void Inspector::disableCutControls bool  yes  )  [private]

Disables all the control widgets for a cut.

Definition at line 2268 of file Inspector.cxx.

References std::count().

Referenced by allCutsRadioButton_toggled(), and selectedCutsRadioButton_toggled().

void Inspector::editColorModel  )  [protected, virtual]

Brings up dialog to edit an existing Value to Color model.

Definition at line 1575 of file Inspector.cxx.

References brk_points, color_scales, std::count(), flat_widths, QSettings::insertSearchPath(), loadAllUsrModels(), QString::number(), s_app_key, s_registry, usr_models, and QSettings::writeEntry().

void Inspector::editLabelFontClicked  )  [protected]

Edit label font, ( if user wants to overwrite he default ).

Definition at line 4491 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QFontDialog::getFont(), getPlotter(), and m_axis.

void Inspector::editTitleFontClicked  )  [protected]

Edit the title font, ( if user wants to overwrite he default ).

Definition at line 4521 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QFontDialog::getFont(), and getPlotter().

void Inspector::enableNewPlotBox bool  yes = true  ) 

Enables the new plot box.

Enables the new plot box in the data tabbed panel so the user can add new plot to the canvas. Applications that have a CanvasView within a window will probably want to enable this feature. Applications that do not have a canvas, should leave this feature disabled.

Definition at line 274 of file Inspector.cxx.

Referenced by CanvasView::setInspector().

void Inspector::errorBars_toggled bool   )  [private, virtual]

Responds to error bars check box.

Definition at line 1694 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), DisplayController::instance(), and hippodraw::Axes::Y.

void Inspector::fillCutsOn const PlotterBase ,
std::vector< PlotterBase * > &  cut_list

Clears and fills the cut_list with PlotterBase objects that are cuts whose target is the active DataRep contained by plotter.

Definition at line 2427 of file Inspector.cxx.

References CutController::fillCutList(), CutController::instance(), and DisplayController::instance().

Referenced by selectedCutsRadioButton_toggled(), and updateCutsActive().

void Inspector::fillPlotterList std::vector< PlotterBase * > &  plot_list  )  [private]

Clears and Fills plot_list with the PlotterBase objects on the current canvas.

Definition at line 1225 of file Inspector.cxx.

References WindowController::currentCanvas(), and WindowController::instance().

Referenced by getDataCutList(), and setAllCutsActive().

int Inspector::findCutIndex const QString label  )  [private]

Returns the index of the cut selections with label label.

Definition at line 2740 of file Inspector.cxx.

References std::count(), and num_util::size().

void Inspector::fitterNamesActivated int   )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 3384 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), incompatibleFitterError(), and FunctionController::instance().

Referenced by functionAdd().

void Inspector::functionAdd  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 3309 of file Inspector.cxx.

References DataRep::acceptFunction(), FunctionController::addFunction(), std::count(), fitterNamesActivated(), functionAddError(), getPlotter(), incompatibleFunctionError(), FunctionController::instance(), DisplayController::instance(), QString::latin1(), multipleDataRepError(), FunctionController::saveParameters(), updateErrorEllipseTab(), updateFunctionsTab(), and updateSummaryTab().

void Inspector::functionAddError  )  [private]

Raises a function add error QMessageBox when the selected DataRep does not support the selected function.

Definition at line 993 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QMessageBox::critical().

Referenced by functionAdd().

void Inspector::functionParamsCheckBoxToggled bool   )  [protected, virtual]

Slot which recieves the signal if state of the checkbox changes in the the function Params tab.

Definition at line 3935 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), FunctionController::instance(), m_functionRep, QString::toUInt(), and updateErrorEllipseTab().

void Inspector::functionParamsLineEditReturnPressed  )  [protected, virtual]

Slot which recieves the signal if enter is pressed in the line edit in the the function Params tab.

Definition at line 3998 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), FunctionController::instance(), m_functionRep, setParameters(), QString::toDouble(), and QString::toUInt().

void Inspector::functionParamsListViewCurrentChanged QListViewItem  )  [protected, virtual]

Slot which recieves the signal if Current item changes in the List View of the function Params.

Definition at line 3915 of file Inspector.cxx.

void Inspector::functionParamsSliderSliderMoved int   )  [protected, virtual]

Slot which alters the parameter values as the function Params slider is moved.

Definition at line 4073 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), FunctionController::instance(), m_functionRep, m_oldParameters, std::pow(), setParameters(), and QString::toUInt().

void Inspector::functionParamsSliderSliderPressed  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 4040 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), FunctionController::instance(), m_functionRep, and m_oldParameters.

void Inspector::functionParamsSliderSliderReleased  )  [protected, virtual]

Slot which set the slider to mid point after it has been release.

Definition at line 4121 of file Inspector.cxx.

void Inspector::functionsFitToDataButton_clicked  )  [protected, virtual]

Fits the selected function to the data.

Definition at line 3405 of file Inspector.cxx.

References std::count(), QMessageBox::critical(), FunctionController::getFunctionRep(), getPlotter(), DisplayController::instance(), FunctionController::instance(), and setParameters().

void Inspector::functionsRemoveButton_clicked  )  [protected, virtual]

Removing the selected function and updating appropriate tabbed panels.

Definition at line 3151 of file Inspector.cxx.

References PlotterBase::activePlotIndex(), std::count(), getPlotter(), FunctionController::instance(), m_functionIndexMap, PlotterBase::setActivePlot(), updateErrorEllipseTab(), and updateFunctionsTab().

void Inspector::functionsResetButton_clicked  )  [protected, virtual]

Reset the function parameters from the parameters saved before the last fit.

Definition at line 3180 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), FunctionController::instance(), DisplayController::instance(), and setParameters().

std::string Inspector::getArrayTupleLabel const DataSource rtuple,
const std::string column

In case we are dealing with multidimensional data in rows of this column in the given DataSource we would like to deal with on one entry of this multidimensional data.

So here we get the index of this relevant entry for this column in the given DataSource.

Definition at line 1025 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QString::append(), QString::ascii(), QInputDialog::getText(), RootController::instance(), QString::isEmpty(), and hippodraw::FontWeight::Normal.

Referenced by addDataRepButton_clicked(), and newPlotButton_clicked().

Axes::Type Inspector::getAxes unsigned int  index  )  [private]

Returns the Axes::Type for the TupleCut at index i.

Definition at line 2382 of file Inspector.cxx.

References m_tuple_cut_plotters, num_util::size(), hippodraw::Axes::X, and hippodraw::Axes::Y.

Referenced by cutHighSlider_sliderMoved(), cutHighSlider_sliderReleased(), cutLowSlider_sliderMoved(), cutLowSlider_sliderReleased(), cutText_returnPressed(), cutZoomPanCheckBox_clicked(), and updateCutControlValues().

const std::vector< const TupleCut * > & Inspector::getCutList const PlotterBase plotter  )  const [private]

Returns the TupleCut list.

Returns the TupleCut objects being used by active DataRep contained by the plotter. If active DataRep can not be found, throws logic_error exception.

Definition at line 2443 of file Inspector.cxx.

References CutController::instance(), and DisplayController::instance().

const std::vector< PlotterBase * > & Inspector::getDataCutList PlotterBase plotter  )  [private]

Returns the list of data cut plotter objects that target plotter.

Definition at line 2211 of file Inspector.cxx.

References DisplayController::activeDataRepIndex(), fillPlotterList(), CutController::getCutList(), CutController::instance(), and DisplayController::instance().

Referenced by allCutsRadioButton_toggled(), cutAddAll(), and updateDataCutsTab().

PlotterBase * Inspector::getPlotter  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 304 of file Inspector.cxx.

References m_plotter.

Referenced by addDataRepButton_clicked(), allCutsRadioButton_toggled(), axisLabelChanged(), axisLabelText(), axisZoomPanCheckBox_clicked(), colorSelect_clicked(), contourLevelsTextBox_returnPressed(), contourRadioButton1_toggled(), contourSlider_valueChanged(), contourTextBox_returnPressed(), createResiduals(), cutAddAll(), cutAddSelected(), cutNew(), cutRemovePushButton_clicked(), dataCreateNTuple(), editLabelFontClicked(), editTitleFontClicked(), errorBars_toggled(), fitterNamesActivated(), functionAdd(), functionParamsCheckBoxToggled(), functionParamsLineEditReturnPressed(), functionParamsSliderSliderMoved(), functionParamsSliderSliderPressed(), functionsFitToDataButton_clicked(), functionsRemoveButton_clicked(), functionsResetButton_clicked(), getSelectedCut(), intervalStateChanged(), intervalTextChanged(), lineStyleButtonGroup_clicked(), pointRepComboBox_activated(), pushButtonNewErrorPlotClicked(), selCutChanged(), selectedCutsRadioButton_toggled(), setBinWidth(), setDragOn(), setHighRange(), setHighText(), setLowRange(), setLowText(), setOffset(), setOffsetText(), setWidthText(), sliderChanged(), summaryNew(), symbolPointSize_returnPressed(), symbolTypeButtonGroup_clicked(), updateAxisTab(), updateCutControls(), updateCutsActive(), updateCutsTab(), updateDataCutsTab(), updateDataTab(), updateErrorEllipseTab(), updateFunctionsTab(), updatePlotTab(), updateSummaryTab(), and valueChanged().

PlotterBase * Inspector::getSelectedCut  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 2631 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), FunctionController::instance(), m_last_cut_index, and m_tuple_cut_plotters.

Referenced by colorSelect_2_clicked(), cutAddSelected(), cutEnablePushButton_toggled(), cutHighSlider_sliderMoved(), cutHighSlider_sliderReleased(), cutInvertPushButton_clicked(), cutLowSlider_sliderMoved(), cutLowSlider_sliderReleased(), cutRemovePushButton_clicked(), cutText_returnPressed(), cutZoomPanCheckBox_clicked(), and selCutChanged().

std::string Inspector::getSelectedDataSourceName  )  const

Returns the name of the currently selected DataSource in Data tabbed panel.

Definition at line 408 of file Inspector.cxx.

References DataSourceController::instance().

void Inspector::highRangeDrag  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1884 of file Inspector.cxx.

References setHighRange().

Referenced by Inspector().

void Inspector::incompatibleDataRepError const std::string type  )  [private]

Raises incompatible DataRep error dialog.

Definition at line 893 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QMessageBox::critical().

Referenced by addDataRepButton_clicked().

void Inspector::incompatibleFitterError const std::string type  )  [private]

Raises incompatible Fitter error dialog.

Definition at line 910 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QMessageBox::critical().

Referenced by fitterNamesActivated().

void Inspector::incompatibleFunctionError const std::string type  )  [private]

Raises the incompatible function error dialog.

Definition at line 928 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QMessageBox::critical().

Referenced by functionAdd().

void Inspector::init  )  [private]

Initializes the Inspector.

Definition at line 205 of file Inspector.cxx.

References DisplayController::instance(), loadAllUsrModels(), m_axis, m_dragging, m_layoutWidget, m_new_combos, m_new_labels, m_newLayoutWidget, m_newVLayout, m_sel_combos, m_sel_labels, m_vLayout, QWidget::setGeometry(), num_util::size(), usr_models, and hippodraw::Axes::X.

Referenced by Inspector().

void Inspector::intervalStateChanged bool  state  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1772 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), DisplayController::instance(), and DisplayController::setIntervalEnabled().

void Inspector::intervalTextChanged const QString  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1783 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), DisplayController::instance(), DisplayController::setIntervalCount(), and QString::toUInt().

void Inspector::invalidDataWarning  )  [private]

Raises a dialog to warn user that bound DataSource has invalid data.

Definition at line 863 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QMessageBox::warning().

Referenced by addDataRepButton_clicked(), axisLabelChanged(), and newPlotButton_clicked().

void Inspector::invalidRangeError const std::string bad  )  [private]

Raises invalid range error dialog.

Definition at line 946 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QMessageBox::critical().

void Inspector::lineStyleButtonGroup_clicked int  id  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1734 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), DisplayController::instance(), and multipleDataRepError().

void Inspector::loadAllUsrModels  )  [private]

Definition at line 1446 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QString::ascii(), brk_points, color_scales, QSettings::entryList(), flat_widths, QSettings::insertSearchPath(), QString::number(), QSettings::readDoubleEntry(), QSettings::readEntry(), s_app_key, s_registry, and usr_models.

Referenced by deleteColorModel(), editColorModel(), init(), newColorModel(), and valueChanged().

void Inspector::logScale_clicked  )  [protected, virtual]

The Qt slot which responds to the toggle in state of the logScale checkbox.

Definition at line 4130 of file Inspector.cxx.

References DisplayController::instance(), std::log(), m_axis, and m_plotter_list.

void Inspector::lowRangeDrag  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1895 of file Inspector.cxx.

References setLowRange().

Referenced by Inspector().

void Inspector::multipleDataRepError const std::string type  )  [private]

Raises an multiple DataRep error QMessageBox.

When an application action requires only one DataRep to be active, then this function is called. The type is inserted in to the message string. This is part of the learn by doing GUI pattern. Rather than disabling a control when multiple DataRep objects are active, one calls this function to tell user what he should do to get the action he wants. Namely, shift click to make one DataRep active.

Definition at line 963 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QMessageBox::information().

Referenced by colorSelect_clicked(), cutNew(), functionAdd(), lineStyleButtonGroup_clicked(), summaryNew(), symbolPointSize_returnPressed(), and symbolTypeButtonGroup_clicked().

void Inspector::multiplePlotError  )  [private]

Raises a multiple plot error message box.

Definition at line 979 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QMessageBox::information().

Referenced by axisLabelChanged().

void Inspector::newColorModel  )  [protected, virtual]

Brings up dialog to create a new Value to Color model.

Definition at line 1526 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QSettings::entryList(), QSettings::insertSearchPath(), loadAllUsrModels(), QString::number(), s_app_key, s_registry, and QSettings::writeEntry().

void Inspector::newPlotButton_clicked  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1097 of file Inspector.cxx.

References CanvasWindow::addPlotDisplay(), std::count(), getArrayTupleLabel(), WindowController::instance(), DisplayController::instance(), RootController::instance(), DataSourceController::instance(), invalidDataWarning(), QString::latin1(), m_new_combos, newPlotError(), and noNTupleSelectedError().

void Inspector::newPlotError const DataSourceException e  )  [private]

Raises a dialog for new plot error.

Should something be done with the exception, like deleting it?

Definition at line 1010 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QMessageBox::critical(), and DataSourceException::what().

Referenced by newPlotButton_clicked().

void Inspector::noNTupleSelectedError  )  [private]

Raises no NTuple selected error dialog.

Definition at line 878 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QMessageBox::critical().

Referenced by newPlotButton_clicked().

void Inspector::ntupleChanged int   )  [private, virtual]

Responds to combo box that shows the NTuple name of the selected plot.

Definition at line 1237 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QMessageBox::critical(), DataRepController::instance(), DataSourceController::instance(), CutController::instance(), m_plotter_list, num_util::size(), and DataSourceException::what().

void Inspector::offsetDrag  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1905 of file Inspector.cxx.

References setOffset().

Referenced by setOffsetText().

void Inspector::on_axis_button_group_clicked int  id  )  [protected, virtual]

Responds to change in axis tabbed panel's axis radio button group.

Definition at line 1847 of file Inspector.cxx.

References hippodraw::Axes::convert(), m_axis, and updateAxisTab().

void Inspector::on_cut_button_group_clicked int  id  )  [protected, virtual]

Responds to change of the cut panel's radio group.

Definition at line 2891 of file Inspector.cxx.

References updateCutsTab().

void Inspector::on_sel_combo_0_activated const QString  )  [private, virtual]

Responds to combo box of selected plot be activated by changing the binding.

Definition at line 519 of file Inspector.cxx.

References axisLabelChanged().

void Inspector::on_sel_combo_1_activated const QString  )  [private, virtual]

Responds to combo box of selected plot be activated by changing the binding.

Definition at line 526 of file Inspector.cxx.

References axisLabelChanged().

void Inspector::on_sel_combo_2_activated const QString  )  [private, virtual]

Responds to combo box of selected plot be activated by changing the binding.

Definition at line 533 of file Inspector.cxx.

References axisLabelChanged().

void Inspector::on_sel_combo_3_activated const QString  )  [private, virtual]

Responds to combo box of selected plot be activated by changing the binding.

Definition at line 540 of file Inspector.cxx.

References axisLabelChanged().

void Inspector::pointRepComboBox_activated const QString qstr  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1823 of file Inspector.cxx.

References brk_points, color_scales, flat_widths, getPlotter(), DisplayController::instance(), QString::latin1(), updatePlotTab(), usr_models, and hippodraw::Axes::Z.

void Inspector::pushButtonNewErrorPlotClicked  )  [protected, virtual]

The slot that recieves the signal when the PushButtonNewErrorPlot is clicked.

It plots a new error plot with the two parameters selected.

Definition at line 3652 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QMessageBox::critical(), getPlotter(), WindowController::instance(), FunctionController::instance(), QString::latin1(), m_functionRep, updateErrorEllipseTab(), hippodraw::Axes::X, and hippodraw::Axes::Y.

void Inspector::resetSlider  )  [protected, virtual]

Resets sliders to default position.

Definition at line 1513 of file Inspector.cxx.

void Inspector::selCutChanged  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 2616 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), getSelectedCut(), m_cut_map, updateCutControlValues(), and updateCutEnableButton().

void Inspector::selectedCutsRadioButton_toggled bool  selected  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 2460 of file Inspector.cxx.

References disableCutControls(), fillCutsOn(), getPlotter(), FunctionController::instance(), m_tuple_cut_plotters, m_tuple_cuts, updateCutControls(), and updateCutControlValues().

Referenced by cutNew(), and updateCutsTab().

void Inspector::setAllCutsActive bool  yes  )  [private]

Sets all CutPlotter objects to active state if yes is true, otherwise sets them inactive.

Definition at line 2838 of file Inspector.cxx.

References fillPlotterList(), and CutController::instance().

Referenced by updateCutsActive().

void Inspector::setBinWidth int  value,
bool  drag
[protected, virtual]

Sets the bin width and the slider dragging flag.

Definition at line 2005 of file Inspector.cxx.

References convertToString(), PlotterBase::getBinWidth(), getPlotter(), DisplayController::hasNTupleBindings(), DisplayController::instance(), m_axis, m_dragging, and setBinWidth().

void Inspector::setBinWidth int  value  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1996 of file Inspector.cxx.

References m_dragging.

Referenced by setBinWidth(), setWidthText(), and widthDrag().

void Inspector::setDragOn  )  [protected, virtual]

Called when any slider is pressed.

Definition at line 1947 of file Inspector.cxx.

References autoScale_clicked(), getPlotter(), PlotterBase::getRange(), Range::high(), Range::low(), m_axis, m_dragging, m_range, Range::pos(), and Range::setRange().

Referenced by Inspector(), and setOffsetText().

void Inspector::setHighRange int  value,
bool  yes
[protected, virtual]

Sets the high range and the slider dragging flag.

Definition at line 2104 of file Inspector.cxx.

References convertToString(), getPlotter(), PlotterBase::getRange(), PlotterBase::getTransform(), Range::high(), BinaryTransform::isPeriodic(), Range::length(), Range::low(), m_axis, m_dragging, m_highslider1_last_val, m_range, PeriodicBinaryTransform::moduloAddX(), PeriodicBinaryTransform::moduloAddY(), Range::pos(), PlotterBase::setAutoRanging(), PlotterBase::setHighRange(), setHighText(), PlotterBase::setRange(), PeriodicBinaryTransform::setXOffset(), PeriodicBinaryTransform::setYOffset(), hippodraw::Axes::X, PeriodicBinaryTransform::xOffset(), hippodraw::Axes::Y, and PeriodicBinaryTransform::yOffset().

void Inspector::setHighRange int  value  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 2092 of file Inspector.cxx.

References m_dragging, and m_is_updating.

Referenced by highRangeDrag(), and Inspector().

void Inspector::setHighText  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 2170 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), PlotterBase::getRange(), m_axis, PlotterBase::setRange(), and updateAxisTab().

Referenced by Inspector(), setHighRange(), and updateAxisTab().

void Inspector::setLowRange int  value,
bool  yes
[protected, virtual]

Sets the low range and slider dragging flag.

Definition at line 2065 of file Inspector.cxx.

References convertToString(), getPlotter(), PlotterBase::getRange(), Range::high(), Range::low(), m_axis, m_dragging, m_range, Range::pos(), PlotterBase::setAutoRanging(), PlotterBase::setLowRange(), setLowText(), and PlotterBase::setRange().

void Inspector::setLowRange int  value  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 2053 of file Inspector.cxx.

References m_dragging, and m_is_updating.

Referenced by Inspector(), and lowRangeDrag().

void Inspector::setLowText  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 2035 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), PlotterBase::getRange(), m_axis, PlotterBase::setRange(), and updateAxisTab().

Referenced by Inspector(), setLowRange(), and updateAxisTab().

void Inspector::setNewPlotNTuple const std::string name  )  [private]

Sets the current item in the available NTuple selection box to one that matches name.

Definition at line 455 of file Inspector.cxx.

References DataSourceController::instance().

Referenced by updateNewPlotControls(), and updateSelectedPlotData().

void Inspector::setOffset int  value,
bool  yes
[protected, virtual]

sets the bin offset and the slider dragging flag.

Definition at line 2195 of file Inspector.cxx.

References convertToString(), PlotterBase::getOffset(), getPlotter(), DisplayController::instance(), m_axis, m_dragging, and setOffset().

void Inspector::setOffset int  value  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 2188 of file Inspector.cxx.

References m_dragging.

Referenced by offsetDrag(), setOffset(), and setOffsetText().

void Inspector::setOffsetText  )  [protected, virtual]

Responds to return in bin offset text field.

Definition at line 1972 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), DisplayController::instance(), offsetDrag(), setDragOn(), setOffset(), QString::toDouble(), and updateAxisTab().

void Inspector::setParameters int  ,
[protected, virtual]

Definition at line 3203 of file Inspector.cxx.

References FunctionController::instance(), m_functionRep, and num_util::size().

Referenced by functionParamsLineEditReturnPressed(), functionParamsSliderSliderMoved(), functionsFitToDataButton_clicked(), functionsResetButton_clicked(), and updateFunctionsTab().

void Inspector::setWidthText  )  [protected, virtual]

Responds to return in bin width text field.

Definition at line 1924 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), DisplayController::instance(), m_axis, setBinWidth(), QString::toDouble(), and updateAxisTab().

void Inspector::setZRadioButton bool  enabled  )  [private, virtual]

Sets the Z axis radio button to proper state.

Definition at line 311 of file Inspector.cxx.

References std::find(), m_axis, updateAxisTab(), hippodraw::Axes::X, and hippodraw::Axes::Z.

Referenced by update(), and updateAxisTab().

void Inspector::sliderChanged int   )  [protected, virtual]

Responds to change in the sliders.

Definition at line 1488 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), and DisplayController::instance().

void Inspector::statsButtonGroupClicked int   )  [virtual]

Definition at line 3538 of file Inspector.cxx.

void Inspector::statsStripValue QRadioButton box  )  [private]

Strips the value part of the text field.

Definition at line 3446 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QString::find(), and QString::remove().

Referenced by updateSummaryTab().

void Inspector::summaryNew  )  [protected, virtual]

This method should get the strings from the factory.

Definition at line 3546 of file Inspector.cxx.

References DisplayController::activeDataRepIndex(), CanvasWindow::addFuncDisplay(), CanvasWindow::addTextDisplay(), WindowController::currentCanvas(), getPlotter(), FunctionController::instance(), WindowController::instance(), DisplayController::instance(), QString::latin1(), and multipleDataRepError().

void Inspector::symbolPointSize_returnPressed  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1751 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), DisplayController::instance(), multipleDataRepError(), DataRep::setRepSize(), num_util::size(), and QString::toFloat().

void Inspector::symbolTypeButtonGroup_clicked int  id  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1718 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), DisplayController::instance(), and multipleDataRepError().

void Inspector::tabChanged  )  [protected, virtual]

Receives the signal that the tabbed panel changed and invokes the update method.

Definition at line 329 of file Inspector.cxx.

References update().

void Inspector::titleText_returnPressed  )  [protected, virtual]

Responds to title text return.

Definition at line 1707 of file Inspector.cxx.

References m_plotter_list, PlotterBase::setTitle(), and num_util::size().

void Inspector::update  )  [virtual]

The Update Method.

Updates only the tabbed panel that is currently selected (visible).

Definition at line 336 of file Inspector.cxx.

References m_is_updating, m_plotter, setZRadioButton(), updateAxisTab(), updateCutsActive(), updateCutsTab(), updateDataTab(), updateFunctionsTab(), updatePlotTab(), updateSummaryTab(), and hippodraw::Axes::Z.

Referenced by addDataRepButton_clicked(), customEvent(), dataCreateNTuple(), and tabChanged().

void Inspector::updateAutoScaleBox  )  [private]

Update the status of the auto scale check box.

Definition at line 3749 of file Inspector.cxx.

References m_axis, and m_plotter_list.

Referenced by updateAxisTab().

void Inspector::updateAxisTab  )  [protected, virtual]

Updates the axis tabbed panel's widgets.

When bin widths are the same, enables the width text box initially, but not after one toggles each data rep and returns to all active.
Try it on

Offset slider and text changes behave wildly on when on log scale.
For now it is disabled. Should try to fix it.

Definition at line 3768 of file Inspector.cxx.

References DisplayController::activeDataRepIndex(), contourRadioButton1_toggled(), convertToString(), PlotterBase::getBinWidth(), DisplayController::getNTuple(), PlotterBase::getOffset(), getPlotter(), PlotterBase::getRange(), PlotterBase::getTransform(), ContourPointRep::getUsingUserValues(), DisplayController::hasNTupleBindings(), Range::high(), DisplayController::instance(), std::log(), Range::low(), m_axis, m_highslider1_last_val, m_lowslider1_last_val, m_zoompan, setHighText(), setLowText(), setZRadioButton(), updateAutoScaleBox(), updateLogBox(), and hippodraw::Axes::Z.

Referenced by autoScale_clicked(), on_axis_button_group_clicked(), setHighText(), setLowText(), setOffsetText(), setWidthText(), setZRadioButton(), and update().

void Inspector::updateCutControls const std::vector< PlotterBase * > &  cutlist  )  [private]

Updates the Cut controls in the Cut tabbed panel.

Cut list is a vector of selected cut plotters.

Definition at line 2310 of file Inspector.cxx.

References std::count(), getPlotter(), m_cut_map, m_tuple_cuts, num_util::size(), updateCutEnableButton(), and updateTupleCuts().

Referenced by allCutsRadioButton_toggled(), and selectedCutsRadioButton_toggled().

void Inspector::updateCutControlValues const PlotterBase cutplotter  )  [private]

Updates the Cut control values with those of the designated cut Plotter.

Definition at line 2402 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getAxes(), PlotterBase::getRange(), CutController::instance(), m_is_updating, m_tuple_cuts, and hippodraw::Axes::X.

Referenced by allCutsRadioButton_toggled(), selCutChanged(), and selectedCutsRadioButton_toggled().

void Inspector::updateCutEnableButton  )  [private]

Updates the cut enabled push button control.

This method seems to get called more than once when adding a cut.
Should try to fix that.

Definition at line 2367 of file Inspector.cxx.

References m_cut_enable_updating, and m_tuple_cuts.

Referenced by selCutChanged(), and updateCutControls().

void Inspector::updateCutsActive  )  [private]

Definition at line 378 of file Inspector.cxx.

References fillCutsOn(), getPlotter(), and setAllCutsActive().

Referenced by update().

void Inspector::updateCutsTab  )  [protected, virtual]

Updates the cut tabbed panel's widgets' state and values.

Definition at line 2757 of file Inspector.cxx.

References allCutsRadioButton_toggled(), getPlotter(), FunctionController::instance(), selectedCutsRadioButton_toggled(), updateDataCutsTab(), and updateFitCutsTab().

Referenced by on_cut_button_group_clicked(), and update().

void Inspector::updateCutVarGroupBox const PlotterBase plotter,
int  index

Updates the QGroupBox that displays to controller for creating a new cut.

Definition at line 2858 of file Inspector.cxx.

References DataSource::getLabels(), and DisplayController::instance().

Referenced by updateDataCutsTab().

void Inspector::updateDataCutsTab  )  [protected, virtual]

Updates the cut tabbed panel when in data cut mode.

Definition at line 2798 of file Inspector.cxx.

References DisplayController::activeDataRepIndex(), getDataCutList(), PlotterBase::getDataRep(), getPlotter(), DataRep::hasZeroRows(), DisplayController::instance(), and updateCutVarGroupBox().

Referenced by updateCutsTab().

void Inspector::updateDataTab  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 671 of file Inspector.cxx.

References dataClearSelectedControls(), getPlotter(), m_plotter_list, updateNewPlotControls(), updateSelectedPlotData(), and updateSelectedPlotType().

Referenced by update().

void Inspector::updateErrorEllipseTab  )  [private, virtual]

Updates the error Ellipse controls.

Definition at line 3054 of file Inspector.cxx.

References DisplayController::getNTuple(), getPlotter(), FunctionController::instance(), DisplayController::instance(), num_util::size(), hippodraw::Axes::X, and hippodraw::Axes::Y.

Referenced by functionAdd(), functionParamsCheckBoxToggled(), functionsRemoveButton_clicked(), pushButtonNewErrorPlotClicked(), and updateSummaryTab().

void Inspector::updateFitCutsTab  )  [protected, virtual]

Update the cut tabbed panel when in fit cut mode.

Definition at line 2792 of file Inspector.cxx.

Referenced by updateCutsTab().

void Inspector::updateFunctionsTab  )  [protected, virtual]

Updates the functions tabbed panel's widgets.

No need to initialize function selection box on each update.

Definition at line 2915 of file Inspector.cxx.

References std::count(), std::find(), PlotterBase::getDataRep(), DisplayController::getNTuple(), getPlotter(), FunctionController::instance(), DisplayController::instance(), FunctionFactory::instance(), m_functionIndexMap, m_functionRep, DataRep::setEnabled(), and setParameters().

Referenced by functionAdd(), functionsRemoveButton_clicked(), and update().

void Inspector::updateLogBox  )  [private]

Update the status of the log scale check box.

Definition at line 3735 of file Inspector.cxx.

References DisplayController::instance(), std::log(), m_axis, and m_plotter_list.

Referenced by updateAxisTab().

void Inspector::updateNewPlotControls  )  [private]

Updates the controls in the new plot group box.

Definition at line 419 of file Inspector.cxx.

References availPlotTypesActivated(), std::count(), DataSourceController::instance(), and setNewPlotNTuple().

Referenced by updateDataTab().

void Inspector::updatePlotTab  )  [private, virtual]

Updates the Plot tabbed panel's widgets.

Should move implementation of updating the m_point_stack to a separate method.

Definition at line 1284 of file Inspector.cxx.

References std::count(), PlotterBase::errorDisplay(), std::find(), Color::getBlue(), Color::getGreen(), NTuple::getIntervalCount(), getPlotter(), Color::getRed(), DataRep::getRepresentation(), DisplayController::getRepStyle(), PlotterBase::getTitle(), DisplayController::instance(), m_plotter_list, RepBase::name(), PlotterBase::repColor(), hippodraw::Axes::Y, and hippodraw::Axes::Z.

Referenced by pointRepComboBox_activated(), and update().

void Inspector::updatePlotTypes  )  [protected, virtual]

Updates the available plot types combo box.

Definition at line 572 of file Inspector.cxx.

References std::count(), DisplayController::instance(), and num_util::size().

Referenced by Inspector().

void Inspector::updateSelectedPlotData const PlotterBase plotter  )  [private]

Updates the controls in the selected plot QGroupBox of the data inspector.

Definition at line 774 of file Inspector.cxx.

References QWidget::hide(), DisplayController::instance(), m_layoutWidget, m_sel_combos, m_sel_labels, setNewPlotNTuple(), and updateSelectedPlotDataSource().

Referenced by updateDataTab().

void Inspector::updateSelectedPlotDataSource const std::string name  )  [private]

Updates the selected plot data source combo box.

Definition at line 699 of file Inspector.cxx.

References std::count(), DataSourceController::instance(), and num_util::size().

Referenced by updateSelectedPlotData().

void Inspector::updateSelectedPlotType const PlotterBase plotter  )  [private]

Updates the selected plot DataRep type.

Definition at line 726 of file Inspector.cxx.

References DisplayController::instance().

Referenced by updateDataTab().

void Inspector::updateSummaryTab  )  [virtual]

Updates the Stats tabbed panel's widgets.

Definition at line 3455 of file Inspector.cxx.

References getPlotter(), FunctionController::hasFunction(), FunctionController::instance(), DisplayController::instance(), QString::setNum(), statsStripValue(), updateErrorEllipseTab(), hippodraw::Axes::X, and hippodraw::Axes::Y.

Referenced by functionAdd(), and update().

void Inspector::updateTupleCuts const std::vector< PlotterBase * > &  cutlist  )  [private]

Updates the list of TupleCut objects and their corresponding Plotter.

Definition at line 2289 of file Inspector.cxx.

References m_tuple_cut_plotters, m_tuple_cuts, and num_util::size().

Referenced by updateCutControls().

void Inspector::valueChanged int   )  [protected, virtual]

Responds to change of the value to color combo box.

Definition at line 1424 of file Inspector.cxx.

References brk_points, color_scales, flat_widths, getPlotter(), DisplayController::instance(), loadAllUsrModels(), and usr_models.

void Inspector::widthDrag  )  [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 1914 of file Inspector.cxx.

References setBinWidth().

Member Data Documentation

std::vector< double > Inspector::brk_points [private]

User defined model parameter.

Definition at line 210 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by editColorModel(), loadAllUsrModels(), pointRepComboBox_activated(), and valueChanged().

std::vector< double > Inspector::color_scales [private]

User defined model parameter.

Definition at line 218 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by editColorModel(), loadAllUsrModels(), pointRepComboBox_activated(), and valueChanged().

std::vector< double > Inspector::flat_widths [private]

User defined model parameter.

Definition at line 214 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by editColorModel(), loadAllUsrModels(), pointRepComboBox_activated(), and valueChanged().

hippodraw::Axes::Type Inspector::m_axis [private]

Definition at line 193 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by autoScale_clicked(), axisLabelText(), axisZoomPanCheckBox_clicked(), convertToString(), editLabelFontClicked(), init(), logScale_clicked(), on_axis_button_group_clicked(), setBinWidth(), setDragOn(), setHighRange(), setHighText(), setLowRange(), setLowText(), setOffset(), setWidthText(), setZRadioButton(), updateAutoScaleBox(), updateAxisTab(), and updateLogBox().

CanvasWindow* Inspector::m_cur_window [private]

Definition at line 199 of file Inspector.h.

bool Inspector::m_cut_enable_updating [private]

Set to true when cutEnablePushButton is being updated.

Definition at line 274 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by cutEnablePushButton_toggled(), and updateCutEnableButton().

std::map< PlotterBase *, int > Inspector::m_cut_map [private]

A map of the last cut item selected for each plotter.

Definition at line 223 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by selCutChanged(), and updateCutControls().

bool Inspector::m_dragging [private]

Definition at line 276 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by init(), setBinWidth(), setDragOn(), setHighRange(), setLowRange(), and setOffset().

std::vector< int > Inspector::m_functionIndexMap [private]

Definition at line 192 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by functionsRemoveButton_clicked(), and updateFunctionsTab().

FunctionRep* Inspector::m_functionRep [private]

The currently displayed FunctionRep.

Definition at line 253 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by functionParamsCheckBoxToggled(), functionParamsLineEditReturnPressed(), functionParamsSliderSliderMoved(), functionParamsSliderSliderPressed(), pushButtonNewErrorPlotClicked(), setParameters(), and updateFunctionsTab().

int Inspector::m_highslider1_last_val [private]

The value of the high slider in Axis Widget 1 as last recorded.

Definition at line 265 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by Inspector(), setHighRange(), and updateAxisTab().

bool Inspector::m_is_updating [private]

Set to true if updating is being processed.

Used to ignored signals from some controls when their value is being set.

Definition at line 270 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by cutHighSlider_sliderMoved(), cutLowSlider_sliderMoved(), cutText_returnPressed(), setHighRange(), setLowRange(), update(), and updateCutControlValues().

int Inspector::m_last_cut_index [private]

The index of the last selected cut.

Definition at line 259 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by getSelectedCut().

int Inspector::m_last_ntuple_edited [private]

The m_all_ntuples item that was lasted edited.

Definition at line 256 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by allNtupleComboActivated(), changeNTupleName(), and dataTupleNameChanged().

QWidget* Inspector::m_layoutWidget [private]

Definition at line 200 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by init(), and updateSelectedPlotData().

int Inspector::m_lowslider1_last_val [private]

The value of the low slider in Axis Widget 1 as last recorded.

Definition at line 262 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by Inspector(), and updateAxisTab().

std::vector< QComboBox * > Inspector::m_new_combos [private]

Binding combo boxes for new plot group box.

Definition at line 182 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by addDataRepButton_clicked(), availPlotTypesActivated(), clearNewBindings(), init(), and newPlotButton_clicked().

std::vector< QLabel * > Inspector::m_new_labels [private]

Binding labels for new plot group box.

Definition at line 178 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by availPlotTypesActivated(), clearNewBindings(), and init().

QWidget* Inspector::m_newLayoutWidget [private]

Definition at line 198 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by availPlotTypesActivated(), and init().

QVBoxLayout* Inspector::m_newVLayout [private]

Definition at line 202 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by init().

std::vector< double > Inspector::m_oldParameters [private]

Definition at line 194 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by functionParamsSliderSliderMoved(), and functionParamsSliderSliderPressed().

PlotterBase* Inspector::m_plotter [private]

The currently selected PlotterBase object.

The currently selected PlotterBase object if only one is selected, otherwise a null pointer.

Definition at line 245 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by customEvent(), getPlotter(), Inspector(), and update().

std::vector< PlotterBase * > Inspector::m_plotter_list [private]

The currently selected plotters.

Definition at line 249 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by autoScale_clicked(), axisLabelChanged(), customEvent(), logScale_clicked(), ntupleChanged(), titleText_returnPressed(), updateAutoScaleBox(), updateDataTab(), updateLogBox(), and updatePlotTab().

Range Inspector::m_range [private]

Definition at line 196 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by setDragOn(), setHighRange(), and setLowRange().

std::vector< QComboBox * > Inspector::m_sel_combos [private]

Binding combo boxes for selected plot group box.

Definition at line 190 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by init(), and updateSelectedPlotData().

std::vector< QLabel * > Inspector::m_sel_labels [private]

Binding labels for selected plot group box.

Definition at line 186 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by axisLabelChanged(), init(), and updateSelectedPlotData().

PlotterList_t Inspector::m_tuple_cut_plotters [private]

The PlotterBase object associated with each TupleCut object.

Definition at line 239 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by getAxes(), getSelectedCut(), selectedCutsRadioButton_toggled(), and updateTupleCuts().

TupleCutList_t Inspector::m_tuple_cuts [private]

The list of TupleCut objects currently selected.

Definition at line 231 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by cutHighSlider_sliderMoved(), cutInvertPushButton_clicked(), cutLowSlider_sliderMoved(), cutText_returnPressed(), cutZoomPanCheckBox_clicked(), selectedCutsRadioButton_toggled(), updateCutControls(), updateCutControlValues(), updateCutEnableButton(), and updateTupleCuts().

QVBoxLayout* Inspector::m_vLayout [private]

Definition at line 201 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by dataClearSelectedControls(), and init().

std::map< const PlotterBase *, bool> Inspector::m_zoompan [private]

Definition at line 195 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by axisZoomPanCheckBox_clicked(), and updateAxisTab().

QString Inspector::s_app_key [static, protected]

The QSettings application key for searching for setting.

The initial value is "HippoDraw", but may be changed by Starkey.

Referenced by deleteColorModel(), editColorModel(), loadAllUsrModels(), and newColorModel().

QString Inspector::s_registry [static, protected]

The QSettings Windows registry key.

The key is the same as used for by Trolltech for their Qt applications

Referenced by deleteColorModel(), editColorModel(), loadAllUsrModels(), and newColorModel().

std::vector< std :: string > Inspector::usr_models [private]

User defined model name.

Definition at line 206 of file Inspector.h.

Referenced by deleteColorModel(), editColorModel(), init(), loadAllUsrModels(), pointRepComboBox_activated(), and valueChanged().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated for HippoDraw- by doxygen 1.4.3