Release Notes for R04-10-02 (last updated 10/24/2005, ST):

The latest revision of this document is located here.  The notes for the previous release are located here.

Installing LATTE

These procedures cover a Windows installation.  If you wish to install LATTE under Unix/Linux, refer to the separate procedure

Installing Truegrid Pro NFS Server for Windows NT/2000/XP

Please refer to the instructions here to install the NFS server.

Installing LATTE

  1. LATTE installation requires administrative privileges.  Please make sure you are logged in with administrative privileges.
  2. Make sure Python 2.3.5 is installed.  If not, download it from:
  3. After the Python installation add the Python 2.3.5 installation directory to your PATH.
  4. Download and install Win32 Extensions for Python here:
  5. Download LATTE_Pxx-xx-xx_py2.3.exe from  Start the installer and follow the onscreen instructions.

    Setting up the cfg files:

  6. For Run Control to operate properly runControl.cfg.sample and runId.cfg.sample should be copied as configName.cfg and runId.cfg respectively and modified based on subsystem requirements.
  7. Modify configName.cfg and add any additional instrument types, particle types, orientation and phase values.  All the other settings can be changed within the Run Control preferences dialog.
  8. Modify runId.cfg and change the machineId to a value that is unique within your site.
  9. In order to start Run Control with the modified configuration use the --config configName.cfg command line option.
  10. If you have copied runId.cfg to a location other than the LATTE\start directory specify its location in the runId.cfg directory entry in preferences (Don't forget to click on the SAVE button after making the changes).
  11. Verifying LATTE installation:

  12. Make sure VxWorks network parameters are set properly.  If not, enter "bootChange" at the VxWorks prompt and enter the correct values.
  13. On VxWorks, enter  "< startup-mv2304.vx" or "< startup-mv2304-open.vx".  If only one of these startup scripts is ever used with a given test stand, you can use the "bootChange" VxWorks command to launch the startup script at boot time.
  14. Open up a Command Prompt and change the directory to "%ONLINE_ROOT%\LATTE\start".
  15. Type "runcontrolmain --server gitot --config configName.cfg"
  16. Load a schema as follows:
  17. Load and run test application from %ONLINE_ROOT%\LATTE\tests\apps.
  18. Enter number of events to take (usually 5 is sufficient).
  19. You should observe the proper running of the test and number of events taken displayed on the console and on the status panel.

Displaying software and hardware versions:
In order to run the "versions" utility, at the command prompt change the directory to "%ONLINE_ROOT%\LATTE" and type "versions.bat --server servername --schema schemaName".  This should output version info for all modules (VxWorks and python) loaded, and all hardware defined in the given schema that is connected.

To begin writing LATTE scripts, refer to the test scripts in the %ONLINE_ROOT%\tests\apps directory for orientation.

Running Run Control:
 Run Control needs to be started from the LATTE\start directory as follows:
    runcontrolmain  --server servername --config configFilename --schema schemaFileName
runcontrolmain  --server gitot --config runControl.cfg --schema %ONLINE_ROOT%\repos\simpleTemSchema.xml
If you need to change the schema without exiting Run Control you can use the “Select Schema” File menu option. 

Upgrading LATTE:


Dependencies, Bug Fixes, and New Features:

Flight Software Release:

Qt and PyQt Related:



Supplemental Notes/Information:

Plumbing Flags:

       The following flags can be used in a schema file under the <flags> tag to configure the FSW drivers and the LCB.  The flag name follows its default value along with a description of what the flag does.

        The following table shows the flags that each functional block supports:

GAEM 'CmdrspFabric', 'EventFabric', 'UsePdu1'
GCRU 'EnableInternal1PPS'
GEBM 'CmdrspFabric'
GEPU 'CmdrspFabric', 'EventFabric', 'UsePdu1'
GGEM 'CmdrspFabric', 'EventFabric'
GLCB 'BoardId', 'UseRedundant', 'UseBitWide', 'UseTrailingIClock', 'UseTrailingOClock', 'IgnoreMissingNodes'
GPDU 'CmdrspFabric'
GSIU 'CmdrspFabric', 'EventFabric', 'UseSecMainFeed', 'PowerPdu0', 'PowerPdu1', 'PowerPrimDab', 'PowerSecDab'
GTEM: 'CmdrspFabric', 'EventFabric', 'UsePdu1'

        In the case of GSIU definition, the following convention should be used:

        ID=0 corresponds to SIU_ext
        ID=1 corresponds to SIU_0
        ID=2 corresponds to SIU_1

Command Line Options:

usage: --config <configname> --server <servername> [--appdir <appdirname>]
 [--cmddebug <cmddebugname>] [--evtdebug <evtdebugname>] [--fswmsglevel <fswmsglevelname>]
 [--noreload <noreloadname>] [--schema <schemaname>] [--securedir <securedirname>]
 [--app <appname>] [--ocsport <ocsportname>] [--initforce] [--noerrfile] [--norcoverride] [--ocsverbose]
 [--oesforce] [--playback] [--paramverify]

Detailed explanation:

Mandatory options:
--server to specify the hostname or the IP address of the teststand crate to connect to.
--config to specify the run control configuration file to use.

Optional options:
--app Specify the standalone application or suite to run.
   Typically used by test or suite runners.
--appdir Specify the application directory
--cmddebug Specify command client debug mode (defaults to 0).
   If this option is specified then all register accesses from the command client is logged to the logger.
--evtdebug Specify event client debug mode (defaults to 0)
   The following debug modes are available and can be added together for combinations:
        0: No Debug
        1: Debug All
        2: Event Dump
        4: Warnings
        8: Parser Output
        16: Error Output
--fswmsglevel Specify the FSW message level for the OCS manager task.
--initforce Force command-response and event fabrics initialization on the SBC.
--noerrfile Disable error archive file output.
--noplumbing Do not automatically plumb the LAT upon connection.
--norcoverride Prevents the run conditions to be overridden with NOT-DEFINED.
--noreload Specify a file that contains prefixes of modules which should not be reloaded when a user script is selected.
    This list gets appended to the default list which currently contains the following prefixes 'scipy', 'weave', 'qwt', 'xml', 'pyexpat', 'win32'.
    The file should contain one prefix per line.
--ocsverbose Enable fabrics initialization messages on the SBC.
--ocsport Define the port used to connect to OCS
--oesforce Force our OES socket to be the default event server for the SBC.
--paramverify Force the parameter verifier to come up even if running in non-secure mode
--playback Indicate that Run Control should command the event server to play back the next event from its file.  Since this is done using the GLT's self trigger command, the state of the internal trigger enable bit deterimines whether the application or Run Control will issue the self trigger command.No events will be delivered if the application has the internal trigger enabled, but doesn't issue CMD_SELF_TRIGGERs.
--schema Specify the schema file to load.
--securedir The full path to the secure directory where the password file ("passwords") and the user permissions file ("security.cfg") is stored.  If this switch is specified then RunControl is started in secure mode.

Run Report Tags:

The following table contains a list of all LATTE supported tags which may appear in a run report (rcReport.out):

TestName Name of the script run
SuiteName Name of the suite run
RunId Unique 9 digit identifier for the run.  The run's most significant three digits corresponds to a machine id, the other 6 digits forn a sequence number that gets incremented with every run
Operator Name of the operator running the test
OperatorId Three digit id of the operator as specified in runcontrol.cfg
EventCount Number of events taken if any during the execution of the test.
BadEventCount Number of events that are marked as bad before being transmitted from the SBC to the client PC.
ErrorEventCount Number of events where at least one of the contributions of the event has the error bit set in its summary.
TriggerParityErrorEventCount Number of events whichthe trigger parity error is set.
PacketErrorEventCount Number of events which have a packet error.
PauseCount Number of times the test was paused.
PausedTime Total number of seconds spent in paused state.
StartTime The timestamp for the start of the test in the form of a tuple.
ElapsedTime Total number of seconds spent during the execution of the test.
EndTime The timestamp for the end of the test in the form of a tuple.
SBCHandledEvents Total number of events received by the event handler running on the SBC regardless of whether it got transferred over to the client over the TCP socket during a siingle run.
ValidEvents Total number of events selected to be transferred over to the client over the TCP socket during a single run.
FailedEventTCPSends Total number of events which had a TCP socket send failure during a single run.
FailedEventHWXmits Total number of events which had the event descriptor bit xstatus set after it's been received by the SBC event handler during a single run.
DiscardedEvents Total number of events which would cause an EWOULDBLOCK error during send for a single run.  Currently always zero since non-blocking sockets are  being used.
LengthMismatchedEvents Total number of events where the event size doesn't match the size specified in the event header during a single run.
UnsentEvents Total number of events that are not send over the socket due to a filter or a prescaler during a single run.
FreeDiskSpace Free disk space for the C: drive on Windows and current working directory for Unix.
SchemaConfigFile The main schema file loaded when Run Control is launched.
AdditionalInputFiles Any include files used in the schema.
AssociatedFiles Any files exported by the user script by calling the addExportedFile method.
CallbackParameters Event filter settings
VersionData A dictionary of key, value pairs containing software and  hardware identifiers and their versions.
Release A dictionary of key, value pairs containing LATTE and subsystem identifiers and their release tags.
ModulesFailedVerification A list of modules and schema files which failed the checksum verification.
FITSfile Name of the FITS file generated.
ArchiveFile Name of the event archive file (*.ldf) generated.
ErrorArchive Name of the error event archive file (err*.ldf) generated.
BadEventArchive Name of the bad event archive file (bad*.ldf) generated.
HSKArchive Name of the housekeeping FITS file generated.
LogFile Name of the session level log file generated.
RunLogFile Name of the run level log file generated.
Comments List of comment strings inputted by the operator and the system.
Site Test site
ParticleType Particle Type
InstrumentType Instrument Type
Orientation Orientation
Phase Phase
AverageDeadTime Percentage of the average TEM dead time during a single run.
GEMDeadTime Percentage of the average GEM dead time.
ParamVerify Indicates that the parameter verifier was activated during the run.
SerialNos Serial numbers of hardware as specified in the schema.
ScriptReport Name of the test report produced at the end of the run.
TriggerMask Trigger bits enabled during the run.  These bits are roi, calLow, calHigh, tkr, periodic, solicited, cno and external.
ErrorLogCount Number of error log messages that were output since the run started.
CompletionStatus Integer value indicating the completion status for that run.
CompletionStatusStr String value indicating the completion status for that run.


Please contact Selim Tuvi, Ric Claus, Lester Miller or Jim Panetta if you have problems or any questions (Contacts Page)
