GLAST Calorimeter Software Weekly Report
Week of  16 August 2004


Sasha:  Completed  plan for changes that need to be made to CalibGenCal

Zach:  Completed initial version of calrespsvc.  This version uses algorithms from previous code in digi and recon, produces same results given same input.  This has been released to Berrie and Richard.  Next, right front end code to use on-line Chg Inj. calibration results to produce intlin calibration output (rest of code already written).

Andrey:  Continued light attenuation studies.

Mark:  Wrote up report on analysis of test data.  Confirmed that geometric mean is slightly better than arithmetic mean for estimating single CDE energy deposit.  Also confirmed that assumption that mean is position independent is good enough that we don't need to store deviations vs position.

Rebaselined I&T schedule to reflect current state of software development.


Pol: Still working on high energy reconstruction.


Benoit: I worked on the antiquenching note, adding the different things I will present today.


Fred and EricEric & I were in vacations these last two weeks so we have nothing new to report.

However, I am finishing the update of my "GSI macros" before sending them to Eric Grove. Besides, Eric & I have almost finished to configure our machines and to install and run GlastRelease here.

SLAC  Richard has started to look at mods to digi to use calRespSvc.

UCSC  no report