Support Activities for the LAT PDR (Fall 2001)

Steve has laid out the requirements for our support of the LAT PDR. Basically we need to re-evaluate the the instrument performance and background rejection capabilities.

This web provides a focal point for the support activities, and is a work in progress.

So far, there will be weekly vrvs meetings, Tues 10:00 AM PST, with minutes.

Planned Activities ("The Plan")

initial plan from Steve

Schedule (see also main software schedule)


The Code

Look at the top-level package, pdrApp.  Here is a FAQ providing answers to common questions about using pdrApp.

Geometry Details:

ACD        Thermal Blanket


Prompted by JJ Russell's request, the subsystem folks have verified that their system conforms to Steve Ritz's memo, in terms of numbering. This is also the case for numbering the towers. The exception is the CAL (which will be fixed to adhere to the standard!), from Eric:

The numbering scheme in the IRF is as follows:

1. Layers are numbered 1 to 8 from bottom to top, i.e. layer 1 has a more negative Z than layer 8.

2. Within a layer, the log number increases with increasing X or decreases with increasing Y. The log number runs from 1 to 12.

3. Tower numbering runs 0 to 15, but I don't know whether it counts faster in X or Y.


Analysis and code Development: 

See a list of packages and their states

We hope to support the following environment for study of the results and/or development of new algorithms


Currently, pdrApp produces a Root ntuple that can be analyzed within Root or from userAlg.  

For historical descriptions

Event Processing


PDR Preliminary Review (ppt file)- July 26

Fluxes and Rates - Steve - Aug 7

PDR udpate (ppt file) -  Aug 17

After PDR?

We have started to compile a list of "To Do" items for after the PDR.

Team PDR Last Modified: 01/06/2002 19:04