Getting Started With Gaudi v7

The Gaudi people have released a new version of Gaudi which is experiment independent. Over the last 2 weeks the core group has been working hard to get move all Glast code to the new version. We now have GlastGaudi_co updated to use the new Gaudi and the new CMT. To get started checkout GlastGaudi_co v1. 

Note to Windows Users: 

Before starting with the new code windows users will have to move to new versions of VCMT and CMT. Do do this please follow the regular How-To pages with VCMT v8 and CMT v1r7

Note to Linux Users:

Due to some problems with the new release we will be sticking with the version of CMT we are currently using i.e. v1r6p1

Explanation of how the new co package was made

Basically I just conglomerated the pdrApp and GaudiSys checkout packages and added in the CalRecon/TkrRecon/TBIOROOT related packages. This is tested on Windows as of 05/01/2001 12:30 PST. Not yet tested on Linux.


Ian Gable 12/02/2002 11:40:33 AM



The Old Instructions (Just for Reference, please disregard)

Step 1 checkout GaudiSys v7

Step 2 checkout the pdrApp v3. Do an add.

Step 3 checkout these additional packages.

Package Tag
digiRootData v1r1
TkrRecon v1r5
GlastDigi v0r5
CalRecon v1r8

Additional info.

I'm working on getting GlastGaudi_co up and running again but this should do until that's done. I've been having some problems with the pdrApp checkout package let me know if you have problems.

Ian Gable