How to Use and Develop GLAST Code using CMT

Getting the Code - Installing, Building and Running the Code - Viewing the Code Documentation 

Developing the Code - Documenting the Code

Here you will find instructions on how to get your hands on and use the GLAST code. Also included are the steps involved in developing code.  It is possible that, by some freakish set of circumstances, the below instructions are not sufficient.  In cases where this applies, check out the Trouble Shooting page.


Getting at the Code Using cvs

You will need to have cvs installed.  For some basic concepts about the utility see cvs.


Installing, Building and Running the Code using CMT and VCMT

You will need to have CMT installed.  For some basic concepts about the utility see CMT.

Windows unix


Viewing the Code Documentation

There are several different types of documentation for Glast code.


Developing the Code


Routine Operations  

Checking changes to a package

Some Not-So-Routine Operations


Documenting the Code

There are several aspects to consider vis-a-vis documenting GLAST code


If all else fails, perhaps a poem (with hints of GLAST software development?) will sooth your soul.

Owner: R.Dubois 

Last Modified by T. Lindner: 08/04/2004 15:42