CAL Code Review

General Comments

Do we want to use the Point and Vector classes as defined in the geometry package, or try to use the classes in CLHEP:  HepPoint3D and HepVector3D

Can we remove XtalId from the idents package?

How do we plan to handle balloon and testbeam data?

Could information concerning test routines be added to the mainpages?

Could we setup some global utilities for conversion from MeV->GeV, etc?

Be mindful of indentation and 80 characters per line.

Check member variable names conform to our naming conventions.


As noted in the CalClusterCol class - this will and should be replaced by typedef to ObjectVector.

, CalCluster_src


CalDigiAlg - separate execute routine into multiple methods
CalDigiAlg_h CalDigiAlg_src

How will the calibration data be handled -  for sim & "real" data? in the near-term?


CalClustersAlg.callNumber  is this jobOptions parameter necessary?  Couldn't this be determined at run time?

Is it really necessary to define the gamma routine here - would LogGamma available in CLHEP do the job?

Could the CalClusterAlg.cxx file be reorganized to define the methods in the order they appear in the header file?

Store leakage parameters in XML file?

Can an comment be added to CalClustersAlg::Leak to explain the
if (eTotal < 200.) return 0?

All files now in the calibration folder are now unused - right?

CalXtalRecAlg_h CalXtalRecAlg_src


H. Kelly Last Modified:  2004-08-04 15:41:26 -0700